Washington, DC, US Government Mandated CAFR, 2015, And The city of Washington, DC-Just Tangential, Upon The Issue of How, Financial Fraud, Relates To Terrorism, And Funds: WWIII.

I worked soo hard, on this particular slide share, that, I wanted to share the link, and the pithy comments again-already. Please visit, and enjoy. the presentation, is a short 15 slides-only. Thank you!


August 1, 2016

My latest homework assignment, which is posted, to: Slide Share. If you are interested in seeing, what I put together, then too-please, take the time, to read the notes, that I soo dutifully added to the powerpoint slides, to explain, the relevance if the slides. I did a much better job, on this presentation-I think, than on the previous two. The presentation, and the subject matter, are more interesting, and, more aesthetically appealing. Enjoy!

Miss. “Mumbai” Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
*Freelance Reporter-looking for employment, and a publisher.
Email: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex.com
Cellphone: 352-219-1872


View original post

Washington, DC, US Government Mandated CAFR, 2015, And The city of Washington, DC-Just Tangential, Upon The Issue of How, Financial Fraud, Relates To Terrorism, And Funds: WWIII.

August 1, 2016

My latest homework assignment, which is posted, to: Slide Share. If you are interested in seeing, what I put together, then too-please, take the time, to read the notes, that I soo dutifully added to the powerpoint slides, to explain, the relevance if the slides. I did a much better job, on this presentation-I think, than on the previous two. The presentation, and the subject matter, are more interesting, and, more aesthetically appealing. Enjoy!

Miss. “Mumbai” Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
*Freelance Reporter-looking for employment, and a publisher.
Email: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex.com
Cellphone: 352-219-1872


Doctoral Studies At Northcentral University-1 Month Into Studies-Assignments Are Not Being Graded-Homeless, And No Financial Aid Yet-Maybe US Federal Final Aid Next Month: “Who Cares About You Being Physically Ill, With Severe Pain, And Your Life Being In Danger?”

July 31, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

I am traveling, and submitting my doctoral studies homework assignments, while I am on the road. I work very hard, on my homework assignments, for: Northcentral University, and for grades and doctoral studies credits, that will move me closer, to my dissertation, and ultimately, my PhD. I turn in homework assignment, after homework assignment, and I either receive unfair grades, which are un-reflective, of the: quality or quantity of my work, or, I receive a message-after two weeks have already passed since submission, for a request from the professor, for a request for a re-submission, and re-do, of an entire assignment, and this is not acceptable to me.

I am a straight: “A,” student, and I am working too hard already-on my homework assignments, and everything else related-as homeless, with no student financial aid-which I have rightfully qualified for, then I have miraculously arrived safely, at a new location, and the current professor, is requesting: 2 assignments this Sunday, to be turned in completed-instead of just the normal one assignment, per Sunday. This arrangement, with the new professor, is not acceptable for me.

I am working-as previously stated, and he is giving me no feedback, and then, he wants me to submit two research papers-that are both: lengthy, detailed, and that require a number of peer reviewed, well supported, research articles. I am working too hard, with almost no support from Northcentral University. I have almost nothing I need-all of the time. I qualify for financial aid-as previously stated, and due to the fact, that the Northcentral University financial aid office, does not perceive any urgency, in me receiving my Federal funding, I am sleeping on the street corner, in different places-all across America-scared to death, with my life, literally hanging in the balance, and then waking up the following day-if I get any sleep at all: searching desperately for: free Wifi to complete my doctoral studies homework, and almost all of the time, no:

  1. Toilet;
  1. No shower;
  1. No clean clothes;
  1. No hot food;
  1. No sink to wash my face or hands or to brush my teeth;
  1. Nowhere comfortable to sit;
  1. No money;
  1. No family or friends to help me and sometime
  1. No food, and;
  1. Nothing to drink-as well.

I need, a new professor again, and, something needs to be done, at Northcentral University, in regards to the financial aid office, getting some financial aid to me. Student financial aid-in the form of Federal funds, is intended to assist, with costs, related to my program of study, which includes, and is not limited to: student housing, WiFi for my online doctoral studies program, school related supplies, such as a new: computer, flash drives, a printer/scanner/copier/fax/ink, and copy paper, transportation, etc.

I am working, extremely hard, and with almost no support from Northcentral University, which is too unfair to me. I agreed to re-enroll in classes, because I love to study, and because, I love the academic focus, of my PhD program at Northcentral University. It is not fair to me, that I am working soo hard, and then you are continuing to provide me with professors, who refuse to grade my homework, in a timely manner, and in a fair way, and then, who overload me, with too much homework due, in only one week’s time.

I just arrived in Washington, DC-yesterday, immediately prior to the noon time hour. I took the train, directly into town, then I walked to the public library, in downtown library-after a quick lunch at McDonalds, to work on my homework assignments. It is more difficult than you may be aware of, for me to travel within the US, or, to get out, to travel abroad. I am an applicant for political asylum in Europe. My plane tickets are illegally cancelled.

Yesterday, after another one of my cellphones and camera were stolen, after I fell asleep, at the Hollywood International Airport-I had to re-pack my belongings for almost 2 hours, to pass through TSA, at the Ft. Lauderdale airport. TSA, at the Hollywood International Airport, were trying to force me to check all of my legal cases, and my legal hard copy files, instead of taking them, on the flight with me-as I always do

Had I checked my legal files, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, for my flight to Washington, DC-then, none of my checked bags, would have arrived here at all. My life, in the US, and the disregard, with which I am almost treated-which is allowable by US government, is not just unacceptable for me, it is also-illegal. Working and studying every week, for an extended number of hours, with no positive responses, from a professor, and with no source of financial aid-after I have qualified-at this point, considering how badly I need my financial aid, in order to pay for the many expenses, related to my doctoral studied-more than just unacceptable.

I am suffering in the United States, in too many ways, to the point of torture, and not just abuse. My life is too difficult-after I work as hard as I do, on my doctoral studies homework, and on everything else that I do. I must have a different professor. It is not fair to me, that I am being assigned professors-who you must know, have a history, of not dealing with students fairly. I think, that at this point in time, Northcentral University, should try assigning me, a female professor again.

If the female professor you assign me next, is as awful, as these: “John,” professors, then Northcentral University, needs to forgive me, of this class, and we will have to discuss, some mutually agreeable way, to notate on my transcript-how and why, the entire class, is having to be forgiven, and removed from my GPA, and I will then, have to drop out of the Northcentral University, doctoral studies program. The experience, has not been fair to me-at all. I desperately need my financial aid-as well.

I call the NCU financial aid office, and the only person available to speak to me, is the receptionist. I ask he, is I may please speak to a supervisor, and she tells me, no not right now, call back later-every time I call. The receptionist, at the NCU financial aid office, also told me, that, maybe I could have the financial aid, that I need more than anything right now, in two months. The receptionist, at the NCU financial aid office, did not care at all, that I am physically ill, in excruciating pain, sleeping on pavement, with no family or support from friends, I need text books, it is harder than people realize-to find free Wifi that actually works, etc.

Something needs to be done, immediately, in regards to the second professor, that Northcentral University, has assigned me, and, the US Federal financial aid, that iI qualified for this semester, and which, I have not received-not every one penny of. I am in Washington, DC, to speak to various International Embassies, in regards to: employment, education, and my pending application for political asylum in Europe. I have been homeless in the United States, for 6 years now, and, I have had almost no assistance, from anyone-at all. I am soo sick and tired, and constantly persecuted-that I could very easily die, without the care and concern, of at least a few people, here in the United States.

I expect Northcentral University, to be concerned about me, having my homework assignments graded, in a time and fair manner. I also expect, for Northcentral University, to be sincerely concerned, about me as a homeless single women-with no support at all-not anywhere in the US, receiving the: US Federal financial aid, that, I have qualified for, because, NCU, is a US University. Please do what you can, at NCU, to: immediately remedy, the above mentioned situations, and assist me, to the best of your abilities

The fact, that I am having to suffer, to such a great extent, because: Northcentral University, is not assisting me enough, as a: US University-should be, more than a little embarrassing to: NCU, and-at the very same time-extremely distressing to NCU, that the university, that you have hired staff, at a university, who do not care enough, about the students, who they are supposed to be serving-the students, who are paying: US Federal financial aid, to fund: Northcentral University. Thank you, for continuing to receive my email communications. I am requesting an immediate remedy. Thank you again.



Miss. “Mumbai” Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Email: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex.com

Cellphone: 352-219-1872


International Legal Studies Diversity Statement-Edited For Submission-Law School Application: Northumbria, September, 2016 Matriculation

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Revised:  Wednesday, February 29, 2016

Diversity Statement

Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.A.

Homeless United States of America

Applicant for Political Asylum in Europe

Email: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex.com

Telephone: 352-219-1872 Mr. Obama-no privacy, free cellphone, for the indigent.


To Whom It May Concern:

I attended a minority summer law program, on full scholarship, at Florida State College of Law, some years ago: 1998-while I was still an undergraduate, at Florida State University.  At that time, we had a long and drawn out discussions, among the scholarship participants, in regards to what: affirmative action is, what a minority is, and what was at that time-legally meant, by the term: “diverse”-specifically, in regards to the law school environment.

It was at that time too, Texas law schools, were in the process of eliminating affirmative action-as it had previously been applied, to their law school admissions, and for related considerations.  “Minority,” I was told, legally-at that time, included, both: ethnic minorities and women.  Therefore, I did qualify for the summer minority pre-legal studies program, at the Florida State College of Law, because I am a woman, and the single mother, of three children, who are now, almost all adults-two of which, are studying at a university level, and my youngest daughter, is completing high school.

I also learned-at that time: 1999- that: “diverse,” in so far as, university environments are concerned, is not necessarily based on: ethnic or racial differences-it was then, at that time, based primarily, on the difference between people, i.e. people with different life experiences.  Although, I am not of a specific ethnic or racial background, which is considered “minority,” due to the fact that, I was raised by a White mother, and my mother’s family is White-I have had diverse life experiences-thus far.  I do have brown skin, I am from no specific ethnic background-that I have any evidence or proof, to support.

I have been told, on many occasions, by people from India, that I am Indian, and, I have begun contacting the Indian Embassy in Washington, DC, to find my family origins, however, I have no hopes at this point in time, that anyone will be willing to claim me. It has been almost 40 years now-since my birth, and of course, a great deal has happened, since that momentous day, and, I am not the same person, that I might have been, had I been raised by a loving family, in India.

My original birth certificate states: White mother, and White child.  It is not clear to me, if I really had a foster family, or, if I was just dropped off, at a home in Jacksonville, FL, for daycare frequently, while my adopted mom, worked nearby by-s a lawyer, with: death row inmates, in the US prison system. My “foster family,” was also White.  I consider myself an American. However-even though, I have pride in the: US Constitution, and the attendant Bill of Rights, being American, is not enough for me. Right now, I have strong beliefs, in my: civil and human rights, and I am being illegally detained, in a: violent, unfriendly, hostile: America, that-will never respect me, as a human being. I am, therefore, and applicant, for: political asylum, in Europe.

I long to escape, from the nightmare-which, is now soo commonly referred to, as the: US-that, used to be my beloved home, under a different, and kinder, political regime. I have no hopes of success, or, of receiving anything I ever need, in this new: “Africa-America.’ I have been homeless here, with no: family or support, for 6 years now, and my situation, is only deteriorating- the police, and the immigrants from: Africa and other places-are always becoming more and more: aggressive, and scary, towards me. I pray some days, when I am at the end of my patience and energy-that an angel will land in front of me, and rescue me. Instead, I am working too hard myself, and every day, with no resources, to save myself. My life is in danger in the US, every second, of every minute, of every day, and I do not want to die!

My grade point average in my: Library and Information Science Master’s Degree program, was a perfect: 4.0, and, I completed a 77 page, properly documented voluntary thesis, prior to my August 7, 2010 graduation.  I do not have a car.  I eat, because I qualify for a small monthly amount in food stamps, the money goes to fast. I can rarely afford any housing at all-even at a very low class hotel. Oft times, I wash my few items of clothing by hand. I never have very much to wear. I needed clothing, because I had almost none, for my trip to Washington, DC-I dug a garbage bag, full of men’s clothing, out of the dirt, and washed it at a local laundry, in West Palm Beach, FL-I kept what came clean, the rest, I had to throw away.

I leave a hotel room, to go for food and supplies, and when I return, someone, has broken into the hotel room, and stolen a number of pieces of my clothing, or just cut all of my clothes up again. New shoes, are usually too expensive.  I skip meals, on a regular basis. I am soo hungry, and have been hungry for soo long, that, even when I have food, I feel like I am starving, because I am worried, about when I will run out of food, and food stamps-again. I am always hungry, because I never have enough money to eat. Multi-millionaires, live in West Palm Beach and Ft. Lauderdale, FL-no one in either place, helped me very much, although, they had enough money, to donate a few dollars.

I am now located-as of today, I am a new arrival-in Washington, DC-I work every day all day long, on difficult political issues, that everyone else ignores: 24/7. I doubt-sincerely, that anyone here, in the capital of the United States, will assist me, in anyway-either. Still, I have a shadow of hope, and, I have begun to ask a few questions, about my Intelligence Officer applications, that have been pending for soo long, through the US Pentagon, and the US Department of Defense.  People in Washington, DC-however, seem much friendlier, than Florida, I hope the kind welcome, to me as a visitor-will last, my entire stay?

I am very bright, and I will go to law school. I was accepted full scholarship, to law school here in the US, after doing well enough on my LSAT exam-however, I turned down the full scholarship, because I have been refused all employment, in the US, since: 2008. In 2008, when the US government, switched over, from: Clinton, and Bush, to Obama, I was illegally: “Blacklisted.” Because I was illegally “Blacklisted,” in the US, in 2008, I did not want to waste my time, studying US law. I think I will never be offered any work in the US-not ever again, not even after Mr. Obama, is replaced, and someone else, is the new president, of the US.

The US, has become a hellish environment for me, I am only really happy, about leaving here. There is nothing for me-not ever, in the US-absolutely nothing! I will be ready to begin my studies-even as soon as the summer semester of 2016.  I was assured this year: 2016, that scholarships are now available for International students, who are applying to study law through: Northumbria, and that the only specific requirements, to apply for the scholarships, is to apply for the LLB programme, beginning in September, 2016-on time.

I hope you are considering me, as a serious candidate for admission.  My situation, is highly unusual, which does qualify me, as a: “diverse admissions candidate.”  I will require, as much scholarship, as there is available, in order to attend the online, or on campus: Northumbria Honours LLB programme. I am pleased-however, with the consistent improvements, in my academic abilities, and my academic progress. I think that I will be a strong candidate for scholarships, and, a helpful addition, to the Northumbria LLB online, or on campus, study environment and community.

I am excited to finally begin, and to interact, in a professional and meaningful way, with both: my academic peers, and, with my law school professors. Thank you for your invitation to re-apply, to the Northumbria LLB honours study programme, and for the initial acceptance I received to the Northumbria online LLB legal studies programme, in 2012. I have grown a great deal-since: 2012, as an individual, and academically, as an achieving student. I have always enjoyed academic challenges. I personally, believe, that, I get more information and learning, out of a programme of study, when my professor design a curriculum, which expects more from me, as a student.

If you require any additional information from me, please do not hesitate to contact me by email again, at: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex.com .  I can be reached by Skype as well: bayo.cary97   I would need you to contact me by email first, in order to make the arrangements, in order to speak by Skype.  Thank you, for your continued support, and for your continued encouragement. It was a relief, when I was able to speak to your law offices, and law admissions offices, from the Manchester Pennine House, low security prison-where I recently considered applying, for political asylum, in the UK.

I look forward to speaking to your admissions representative, by phone. I hope I will be invited to the UK, to join other international applicants, who are applying to study, this September, of 2016, in the: Northumbria, LLB programme, that leads, to a practicing Barristers license, in the UK. Thank you again. It is easiest, to reach me by email.  However, I have also included my cellphone number, for your convenience, at the end, of this email communication.



Miss B. Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.A.

Email: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex.com

Telephone: 352-219-1872 Mr. Obama, free cellphone, with no privacy, for indigent Americans.



More International Civil & Human Rights Court Evidence-Stolen & Erased-Even Online, By Pro-Obama Africans-Again, At: Hollywood International Airport-Ft. Lauderdale, Florida-Cellphone Stolen-Again!

July 29, 2016


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Current Contact Information:

At present, homeless-6years now, working towards my PhD, and traveling to: Washington, DC: desperately seeking emergency political asylum-again-no assistance provided by any country anywhere, as of yet. I am supposed to begin law school, through the United Kingdom, beginning, this: September, of: 2016.

Email: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex.com

Cellphone: 352-219-1872



Ft Lauderdale, FL Hollywood International Airport:

My Cellphone & International Court Evidence, Stolen Again, And By Pro-Obama Africans-Again!


To Whom It May Concern:

I hate the United States. I do not like anything, about this country-ever. All people do here, is: harass, threaten, steal from you, and try to kill you. I feel asleep, at the airport in Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Hollywood, International Airport, and someone, stole-another one of my cellphones, that was full of evidence. The thief-also, apparently, erased my online evidence collection bank, by discontinuing, one of my active Twitter accounts. I hate America soo much, that I cannot even begin to express how high my level of disgust is, with this nasty, unfair, retarded, illegal government.

People, who are Americans, never help me, with anything. Once my 3 children and I, have political asylum in Europe, I never want to visit this country again-or, to ever socialize with an Americans, ever again. My experiences in the US, have been, worse than torture. I hate every last second, of every last minute, of every last day, that I have been confined, to the circumscribed boundaries, of the United States of America. This country owes me everything, for how badly I have been: tortured and abused here. I never, ever, want, to have to step my foot, on American soil-not ever again.

I hate America soo much, that I can hardly tolerate being here, during the interim-waiting to leave for Europe again. I have gained nothing beneficial, from any of my experiences here, in America, it has been a complete, and total lack of time, and energy-a waste of my time, and, a waste of my life! I will never forget, or forgive. I hate everything here. I am having a hard time eating. My disease on my face, is getting worse-although I am treating it all of the time. I cannot stand, to be around other people. People stalk me, all over America, and the globe, to steal from me, and to touch my belongings.

I need political asylum in Europe, to such an extreme extent, that, I cannot really explicate, how bad the circumstances are for me, in America, in just 1 or 2 emails. I carry around, two huge suitcase-that are way too heavy for me, that are full of hard copy evidence, to support my case, for political asylum. I am exhausted all of the time. I am in pain, in the US, all of the time. I never have what I need in the US-all of the time.

People steal everything from me, in the US-every time, I am illegally searched, I am illegally confined, every time I fall asleep in public, and, the worst offenders, are my adopted family. I have no family or friends in the US, and my adopted mom, locks me up, to erase my evidence for court, and to to steal of my belongings-then, she reports to the police, that some else was the thief, and, no one in America cares, about the false police report, that my adopted mom files.

I have no-way, to get what I need, in the US. My bank accounts, are illegally overdrawn-and for no reason, by the banks themselves. My credit and debit, and other identifying cards, such as, my driver’s license, and social security card, are stolen from me, all of the time, and, no one in America cares-I report every time, and law enforcement-in the US, has never responded to me!

I have two homes, that my adopted mom, illegally took from me, and the second home, was full of all of my belongings. My adopted mom, kept all of my belongings, without my permission, and has left me homeless, on the streets, with no financial compensation, or resources, for 6 years now. My adopted mom, does not even return my phone calls, and it does not matter to her, if I am injured, and bleeding internally, with no access to medical care either.

I am turning 40 years old, this year. I have been tortured and severely abused, by my adopted mom, for at least 20 years. I have complained, over and over-again, and no one, not at any level of law enforcement, or civil/human rights-has ever responded, to any of my complaints. I hate everything about the US. I waste, all of my time, filling complaints, that no one ever responds to, or, if there is a response, it is completely ineffectual, in producing, or obtaining for me, what I so badly need.

My adopted mom-has completely disowned me, from my family-although, I gave birth, to all 3 of my children, and, no court anywhere, has ever given my adopted mom, any custodial rights, over any of my, 3 children. My adopted mom, is just as abusive, and tortuous towards my 3 children, as she is to me. I hate everything about America. No one helps you here, if you really need help with something-not the: police, FBI, CIA, Department of Justice, Department of children and Families, etc. No one in America, has ever cared about me!

I am always concerned, about the health, and well-being, of my 3 children, because of how poorly, I am always mistreated, in this country. Almost no one in the entire country, ever speaks to me. Because of the Obama Administration, this country is full of Crazy/retarded African immigrants, that Mr. Obama invited here. I have had absolutely nothing I need, since Obama has been president.

I lost my housing, my family, my friends, my banking access, employment, my access to medical treatment and medically necessary medications, etc., the second Mr. Obama, was officially recognized, as US president. The Africans, that Mr. Obama invited to the US, consider themselves soldiers, and they are always: Aggressive, and violent, and instigating, and aggravating, and Stalking, and trying to create an unpleasant chaos.  The new Africans, have made my life impossible, they are sociopathic, in their complete, and total disregard, for the pain and suffering, that they constantly cause me-which, did not exist to such an extreme nature-prior to their arrival, in the US

My adopted mom: Susan Elizabeth Cary, Esq., goes around-just like the new Africans, that Mr. Obama invited to the US, to bully Americans, and, she tries to send people to a mental hospital, for many different reasons-none of which, constitute mental illness, according to the DSM IV.  My adopted mom, is soo mentally ill herself, and believes her African soldier cause, so just, that she took special classes, at the University of Florida, to Baker Act me, and anyone else, on her own, for mental health issues, that do not exist-almost any time, she cares to.

The mental hospitals, in the United States, are: “rape therapy,” centers, where male patients, are paid, huge amounts of money, to systematically, anally rape-everyone, and anyone, including staff, in a United States, mental hospital.  Mental hospitals, jails, and prisons, in the US, are used regularly, to illegally detain US citizens, who are viewed unfavorably, as: political dissidents.

Even after you win, in a mental health court, if you encounter, the same crazy asshole-again, who was pretending you were mental before, you can be immediately Baker Acted-again, and, for no reason again. I need to see my 3 children, and my adopted mom, illegally keeps us apart, so, she can be in the middle, and prevent my 3 children, and I, from having a relationship, and friendship-with each other. My 3 children, are all almost adults, and, I have never abused my 3 children-no in any way, not sexually, or otherwise.

I should not require anyone’s permission, to speak with, or to spend time with, my 3 adult children. My adopted mom, threatens to send me, to a mental hospital-all of the time, and for no reason every time. My 3 children, are scared to death, of my extremely: mentally ill, sociopathic, homicidal, etc.-adopted parent, and therefore, because my adopted mom-not only holds Florida bar membership, as a lawyer-she does not listen to anything a judge, or court system says.  I have won in court before-against my adopted mom, and, it was not helpful at all. Susan Cary, Esq., did not care at all, about what the judge said. Susan Cary, decided, that although she is not a judge-she is not obligated to listen to a US court order.

My 3 children, need to be returned to my care, with the assistance, of more than one branch, of US law enforcement. My adopted mom, is soo mental, that-even if I had a court order, if I showed up t her house, with just police, and the court order, to have all 3 of my children, returned to my care, she would have me sent, to the nearest mental hospital, and, for no reason at all-again. I hate my adopted mom, Susan E. Cary, Esq., with every cell, in my vibrant living body.

Susan Cary, is the nightmare, that is soo unbearable, that, I myself initially believed, that she could not possibly, really exist, in such a twisted, and maliced state, and with no opposition-not from anyone anywhere, I thought-it would simply be, too insane, for anyone to be that: “deranged!” I require your assistance, to have myself, immediately removed from the United States. My life is in constant danger, and, I have no resources available to me, to: care, or to take care of myself, although-should I have access to money, I would be able, to easily do so.

I have attached to this email, a number of other emails, which explain to various extents, my continued discomfitures, with the American country.  I do not want to move, to another country in Europe, that is full of Africans. Africans, are: mean, aggressive, violent, and unpleasant towards me, in unbearable ways, anywhere I travel to, in the United States.

I am concerned, about the on-going threats to my life, that I continue to receive-even at a US airport, from Africans, who have recently immigrated, with the support of Mr. Obama, to America. Africans who support Mr. Obama, tell me, that they are the ones, who killed: Princess Diana. Africans, tell me, and brag about how they killed Princess Diana-everywhere I travel to, anywhere in the world, where, there are also Africans. Africans tell me, that I too should die, just like Princess Diana, because I will not give any blow jobs either.

I have repeatedly shared this information, with the United Kingdom, and apparently-they could careless, which, is more than a little disheartening, for me. I Tweet, to my distant cousins, Prince William, and Prince Harry, and I share with them, sad news, about their mum’s death, so that they will have a more realistic idea, about how much British, really care about their Royal English family, and, about the tragic loss, of: Princess Diana. I know, from my own prior experiences, that it is never helpful, to forgive, and to pretend that others care-when, they have no consciousness, and, they sincerely, do not not care about anyone at all

At present, I am at: Ft. Lauderdale, Hollywood International Airport. The current date, is: Friday, July 29, 2016. Tomorrow, I am flying to Washington, DC, to speak in person, to various embassies there, to see, if someone, anyone of the embassies, will please assist me enough, help my 3 children and myself, to relocate, to a safer country for us. I have no support system, in the United States, to reply upon, for any problems at all. It is like  am captive, as both: apolitical prisoner, and a hostage, and fight for myself, in a country that is now run, by: anarchy, and useless American dollars.

If I need protection, from US police-apparently, I have to have enough money, to buy off, my own police officers, and, I, would never consider that alternative. I am sending out these emails, prior to my arrival in Washington, DC, in the hopes, that, some of the embassies, who receive my correspondence, will be curious enough, to wonder why I need political asylum, so badly. I have conserved, more evidence than Snowden, although, a great deal of my court evidence, supporting my application for political asylum, has been illegally stolen-in many different ways, and erased.

I care about myself. I am competent. I am responsible. I am writing to your offices this evening, to respectfully, and to humbly request, your assistance, in regards to, all of the matters, briefly stated above, and many more, which all relate, to my application, for political asylum, in Europe, and, my immediate need, for an emergency response, to my on-going, and valid request.

Thank you, for continuing to receive, my email communications. My situation, is becoming far more desperate, therefore, I am now flying to: Washington, DC-to walk across your front door step, to finally speak to you, in person. Please agree, to assist me, if you are both: willing and able, and then too, please feel free, to forward my information on, to any others, in your professional support network, who care enough, to be of some help-as well.

I can only ask. And, due to the serious, and continuing crisis nature, of my situation in the US-not having anything I need, almost all of the time, I am forced, to continue requesting assistance, until someone, somewhere, agrees to respond in such a way, that an actual difference, is made, and is achieved, for both: myself, and, for my 3 children. Thank you-again. I hope, and pray, that you care enough, to at least see me, while I am in town.



Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.


Email: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex.com

Cellphone: 352-219-1872

I do not know, if the email account,or, if the cellphone number, work at all?


CAFR Washington, DC-The First Time Through-The Hasty Review-A Second Look, Coming Up!





Student:  Bayo E Cary




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AC7020-8 John Halstead
Nonprofit and Government Accounting Assignment 2


I enjoyed the assignment. I will try to improve, my quality and quantity of work, every week. Thank you. I am submitting the CAFR by email to you, I could not figure out, how to attach it, to my final homework, assignment. I will send the CAFR to you, by NCU email.


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July 24, 2016


Northcentral University (NCU) Doctoral Studies:

Business Administration, Specialization: Advanced Accounting


Assignment 2: Non Profit Organizations: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (C.A.F.R.): City of Washington, DC Year 2015- Financial Accounts Audit Exercise


PhD Candidate Student: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Current Location: Homeless in United States 6 years now

West Palm Beach, FL

Hostage and Political Prisoner in the United State

Applicant for Political Asylum in Europe

Current Email: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex.com

Telephone: 352-219-1872


Assignment Directions:

A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is a government’s complete accounting of: “net worth.” The CAFR, was established as a public accounting record, and is mandatory by Federal requirements, for all local governmental entities, within the United States.

Obtain a CAFR from a city or county governmental entity-these are usually available as a .pdf download from the entity’s web site. Using the questions in exercises and problems 2-1 in Chapter 2, evaluate the CAFR, according to the criteria presented. Attach a copy of the report as an appendix to your paper, when you submit your assignment, and upload it online.

Exercises and Problems 2-1 Examine the C.A.F.R.:

Examine the financial statements included in the financial section and answer the following questions, as they pertain to, the city of: Washington, DC, US, based on information made available to the general public online, in the most recent CAFR available-2015.

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Office of Financial Management:

Last year, in 2015, when I initially completed this assignment, I chose the City of Gainesville, FL US, for my: CAFR, audit accounts student exercise. I grew up, in Gainesville, FL US, and, I attended and graduated from, the University of Florida, research and developmental high school, as well as, Santa Fe Community College-which is now just: Santa Fe College, as well as: The University of Florida-itself.

My impetus, for auditing the accounts, of the City of Gainesville, FL US, was, a continued lack of employment, in my hometown of Gainesville, FL, although, presumably, I still had friends, in town working, who, quite possibly knew me well, knew that I was homeless, and quite capable academically, and of employment. Because, I am under the impression, if people care about you, and they are aware of the fact that you are in need, and you can help yourself-with even a little assistance from the outside, such as: employment, etc.-that, family or friends, should they exists anywhere-would, because they do care, that you should live-offer you some sort of employment, that, you very well qualify for.

My first Master’s Degree, from: Florida State University, is in the area, of: Library and Information Science, with a specialization, in information science. Therefore, the first employment positions, that I applied for, in Gainesville, FL, were positions, in the field, of library sciences, at both: the public libraries, and, the private university libraries.  When-after several weeks, I received no response, to my applications for work, at the local libraries, it was at that time, that I began to apply, for employment positions, in other fields-not even closely related, to library studies.

I still was qualified for the employment positions, for which I applied-however, I was soo qualified for the position, that I was: “overqualified.” I had some choices, in Gainesville, FL, in regards to where to apply for work, and then again, it was not until-even after my request for employment as a janitor, was rejected, that I then decided, to perform and independent audit, of the accounting books, of the entire city, of: Gainesville, FL, US. What I discovered, in my independent analysis, of the accounting records, for the city of: Gainesville, FL, US, was not positive information. Gainesville, FL, has been-as of the 2015 CAFR: “cooking the books,” and engaging in many forms, of illegal accounts management, for at least 10 years.

I was illegally, and immediately, then, shipped off by my adopted family-who have completely abandoned me, to a mental hospital, in the Gainesville, FL area: Shands At Vista, for many reasons-none of them pertaining to mental health problems, as defined by the: DMS IV.  In large part, my immediate hospitalization, for mental health problems, that were none existent-again, was a response to, the: “A” grade that I received, on my assignment-this very same one, that was-instead of being focused, on: Washington, DC, US-focused, on: Gainesville, FL US. I am now, because of continued torture, abuse, neglect, and complete abandonment, by my adopted family, in the United States, an applicant for political asylum, in Europe.

At present, I am located, in: West Palm Beach, FL-so, I will not decide, to audit the accounts, of the city of West Palm Beach, FL.  However, because of my, pending applications, for political asylum, in Europe, I will be flying, from West Palm Beach, FL, to, Washington, DC-to speak to various embassies there, including the: Russian Embassy-in about, 2 weeks-long after this Northcentral University doctoral studies homework assignment, has been emailed, to all of my International contacts-who are assisting me, with my political asylum application process, and, posted online, at several of my blog spots, for interesting reading, and important information about the International state of affairs, as it relates, to: terrorism, America, and the Obama Administration-that I happily share, as a freelance reporter.

What is in the CAFR?

There are basic guidelines, for the presentation of information, with in the yearly required: CAFR presentation, of information, about an American city’s: financial accounts, and money management.  However, due to the fact, that there is some flexibility, in the presentation requirements, for the information, presented in a: CAFR, when I am communicating information, on: “the CAFR,” I am specifically, only referring to, the: Washington, DC, CAFR-at this point, and only the one, that has been made available online, in PDF format-as required, from the year: 2015.

Although, the city, of Washington, DC, received, in 2015, a good review, by what is reported as, an independent auditor, of their, 2014 financial accounting, that in no way means, that all the information, required to be in the city’s CAFR-is present. A good review, by an independent auditor, of a city’s financial management and accounting, does not mean, that the city did anything correct-at all. In 2015, I, as a student still, and working towards my PhD, in business administration, with a focus, on: advanced accounting, did this exact same exercise, however, at that time, my focus, was: the city of Gainesville, FL US-instead of Washington, DC, US.

The city of Gainesville, FL, US, in: 2015, had received, a total, of at least 9 years, of unqualified, positive reviews, with complete approbation, for the accounting standards, and techniques, that are applied to all financial matters, through the city of Gainesville, FL, US. However, when I, as a doctoral student, of: advanced accounting, looked closely at the accounting records, provided by, the city of Gainesville, FL, in their: 2014 CAFR, I found-after reading closely in my university text books, regarding what financial management techniques, are: approved, allowed, legal, and functional, etc. , within the United States: “Red Flags’-everywhere!

Too often, people are fooled, by outside appearances-they see a White lab coat, and they think, the person wearing that lab coat, must be a well-qualified medical doctor. Or, people see a police officer in a uniform, and a person might think, this man or woman, in the city’s finest uniform, must be a professional, working to keep me safe, and-unfortunately, that is not always the case either.

Then too, with a: CAFR, from any city in the United States.one might read, a positive review, from what is supposed to be, an unqualified, independent from the city-auditor’s comments, in regards to the published report, and the auditor, presumably qualified for their employment position, may write about how wonderful the city is, and how no financial accounting or management problems, or issues exist, and, the auditor’s commentary-may all be, complete: lies and nonsense-i.e., the: city of Gainesville, FL US example, and the: CAFR, from: 2014.

The Washington, DC CAFR, from: 2015, is presented under three major headings, which divide the report, into three sections.  The three major subheadings, are listed above, a number of sub-headings-introductory, financial, and statistical:

  1. Introductory section:
  1. Letter of Transmittal
  2. Organizational Chart
  3. Principal Officials
  4. GFOA Certificate of Achievement.
  1. Financial section:
  1. Independent Accountant Report
  2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis
  3. Basic Financial Statements
  4. Index to The Notes to The Basic Financial Statements
  5. Required Supplementary Information
  6. Other Supplementary Information General Fund
  7. Non-major Governmental Funds
  8. Fiduciary Funds
  9. Supporting Schedules.
  1. Statistical section:
  1. Financial Trends
  2. Revenue Capacity
  3. Debt Capacity
  4. Demographic and Economic Information
  5. Operating Information. (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Table of Contents)

What Are C.A.F.R.s?

A CAFR, is a financial accounting report, that is mandated by the United States government, for all US government entities, that can be considered, a separate and supportive operating body, such as, a city.  CAFR, have a tradition, they were initially created, in order to monitor and record, the, influx, and out-flux, of money, within a stated: “City,” circumference, in order to have a hard copy document to review, to track, how public money, from the US government, had been spent, in the previous fiscal year.


A CAFR, serves the above mentioned, specific service, for helping the United States government, to have some accountability, on how, US tax payer’s money, is spent, in the public arena. A CAFR, like other United States government creations, serves the purpose, that it is intended to serve, and, then too, there are more contemporary members, of the US financial community, who would improve upon the services, that a standardized: CAFR provides, by, in some ways, altering, how the information is: collected and processed, and how the financial information is stored and how often it is shared, as well as, how much flexibility, a chief financial officer has (CFO)-in contributing information, to the CAFR-in general (N.A., Jul 2016, p.3).




  • Transferring the burden of manual work from employees to the

system, which frees staff time for more valuable tasks such as

analyzing the data;


  • Creating new reports that present key financial information in clear,

useful formats for all stakeholders, including citizens and the media;


  • Responding to requests for ad hoc reports the CFO can use in

advising decisions made by government leaders;


  • Keeping up with new reporting requirements and frequencies;


  • Centralizing and consolidating reporting tools in the cloud for a

streamlined user environment and reduced IT management. (N.A., Jul 2016, p.5)




  • Automating the tasks of collecting and calculating data,

as well as compiling and formatting reports;


  • Streamlining activity for reviewing the content of data

sets, draft documents and presentation slides;


  • Defining processes so they become sustainable year

after year, even with staff changes;


  • Taking advantage of mobile technologies

to simplify report production tasks

and review activity. (N.A., Jul 2016, p. 5)


Only time will tell, if the United States government, will support a push, for a new and revised standardized, computer software system, that, can essentially create CAFR’s, for a city, instead of the current, high reliance, on a city’s CFO, and then too, many contributions, from other departments at a city, that handle government money.

Common problems in manual processes:


  • Extensive use of MS-Word and MS-Excel, shared via unsecure e-mail;


  • Data accuracy issues;


  • Collaboration is difficult;


  • No internal controls;


  • No audit trail;


  • High degree of risk;


  • Manual process is repeated each reporting period.


Significant risks of such manual processes:


  • Errors in unstructured data collection from multiple locations;


  • Lack of accuracy from re-keying data and information into multiple reports;


  • Low productivity because of linear workflow with multiple bottlenecks;


  • Little or no version control;


  • Visibility into report status difficult;


  • Long reporting cycle times prevent value-added analysis;


  • Report data integrity and confidence issues;


  • Last-minute changes are not easily incorporated. (Datt, S., O’Brien, D., Sagnip, S. M. 2012, p. 3)


I think that ideally, a computer program, to do most of the work for you, like a calculator-for almost every math problem, may seem like an attractive improvement. However, realistically, due to the always present slew, of ethical issues, pertaining to money: how much is spent, who spends the money, what the money was spent on, who benefits from the expenditure, and whether or not any money went missing, or, if the books are balanced correctly-that, it is preferable, that the CFO, continues to handle, the majority of the burden, of compiling, an annual CAFR, for any give US city.

When you remove, the person in charge, of any given accounting: aggregate accounting and reporting task, you remove, the responsibility, assigned to an individual, such as a CFO, for ensuring, that the entire process, of managing city money, and recording revenues, and expenditure, has been done accurately and responsibly. Without, a managing person, to account responsibly, for the financial and managerial accounting task at hand, then, if something goes terribly wrong-no one is responsible, for any of the many mistakes, that can, and do occur.  And, that, is too ironic, because it, in turn, obviates the reasons, and need, for the development, of the accounting records-the CAFR-in the first place.

*Chapter questions continue, with, CAFR specific queries, regarding the: Washington, DC, 2015, CAFR:

*Government-wide Statements:

  1. What are the titles, of the 2 government-wide statements?


(Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. 25)



The Two Government-wide Financial Statements:

  • 1) Statement of Net Position;


  • 2) Statement of Activities. (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. 25)


  1. Are total assets larger for governmental activities or business-type activities?

The financial report, from the city of Washington, DC, is much more difficult to read, than the one, from Gainesville, FL. There is a great deal of text, and conversation, and the data, is presented, in very small, and blurry images, that are too difficult to read-for the most part. The Washington, DC 2015, CAFR-is presented, more like a book, and less like a financial analysis, and record of the financial activities of the city, for the past 10 years. Even if the information, is correct, I find that the presentation of the information, is too user unfriendly.

(Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. 30)

Business-Type Activities:

Although, the city of Washington, DC reports, and increase, in revenues, from business-type activities, from the year: 2014, to the year; 2015, the overall earnings, of the business-type activities, on the pie chart, of general fund revenues, is only: 20% (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. 30).

General Fund:

General fund expenditures include, the following divisions, or, area-fund accounts:

  • Governmental direction;


  • Economic development and regulation;


  • Public safety and justice;


  • Public education system;


  • Human support services;


  • Public works; Public transportation. (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. 30).


As long as the city of Washington, DC, is able to legally cover all expenses, with revenues earned, from general fund accounts, then, the pithy amount of money earned, by the city’s business-type accounts, is not a concern-really.

However, the problem that the city of Gainesville, FL, US ran into, was that, the only real revenue that was being earned by the city, was through, the business-type government fund accounts. Instead of increasing business-type activities, to cover mounting expenses, the city of Gainesville, FL: “cooked the books.” By spending money, that should have been maintained in savings funds, for emergency situations, participated in risky investments, and, borrowed too much money, over, and over again, to cover expenses-again, instead of looking for other legal ways, to cover the high amounts of debt.

Attmore, & Ives (Spring 2015), talk about the new requirements, of the GASB, and they state, that there is too much flexibility, in how an auditor, can review, how financial fund information, for a city, is presented. Attmore and Ives, state, that because a city’s financial information, can be presented, and favorably reviewed, in several ways, the final presentation, of a city’s CAFR, can appear, as though the city is experiencing no fiscal difficulties at all-whereas, money may be, in actuality, far too lacking, for more than one of the major funds, and, for many of the other funds-as well (p. 3).

  1. Which function or program has the highest net cost?

City of Washington, DC, C.A.F.R., 2015 p. 28

The highest expenses are Human Support Services:

Expenses: Public safety          4,484, 943.00

  1. What kinds of general revenues are available to cover the net cost of governmental


City of Washington, DC, C.A.F.R., 2015 p.28


Program Revenues:

  • Charges for services;
  • Operating grants and contributions;
  • Capital grants and contributions.

General Revenues:

  • Property Taxes;
  • Sales and use taxes;
  • Income and franchise taxes;
  • Other taxes;
  • Non tax revenues.
  1. Were business-type activities “profitable”?

City of Washington, DC, C.A.F.R., 2015 p.30

The city of Washington, DC, reports an increase, in funds earned by business-type activities, of: $ 51,996.00. The increase is listed, as a: %19.62 increase. Although, the almost 20% increase, in money earned, by Washington, DC, from business-type activities, when comparing: 2015 CAFR, to the year before, the overall contribution, of monies earned by business-type funds, in comparison to general government fund earning, is not that significant, at, only: 20%-total.

City of Washington, DC, C.A.F.R., 2015 p.35

Below, are two charts, that are presented in the Washington, DC CAFR, 2015, that give a visual summary, of how much money was earned, by business-type activities.

(Alexander, C., Omisore, D., & Slack, B. 2015, p. 35)

  1. Are there any component units that are discreetly presented as a column on the government-wide financial statements?


There are several component units listed on the Washington, Dc, CAFR, 2015 p. 44:


  • Health Benefit Exchange;
  • Convention Center;
  • Not-for-profit Hospital Corporation;
  • Housing finance.

*General Fund Questions:

  1. What title is given to the fund that functions as the General Fund?

(Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. 33).

General Fund

The general fund, in the Washington, DC, CAFR, 2015, is called just that-the general fund, however, there are several sub-categories:

Revenues and other Sources:

  • Taxes;
  • Taxes and licenses and permits;
  • Fines and forfeits;
  • Charges for services;
  • Miscellaneous;
  • Other sources;
  • Bond proceeds;
  • Fund balance released from restrictions;
  • Inter-fund transfer from lottery and games;
  • Inter-fund transfer-others. (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. 39).

Total Revenue and Other Sources:

  • Governmental direction and support;
  • Economic development and regulation;
  • Public safety and justice;
  • Public education system;
  • Human support services;
  • Public works;
  • Public transportation. (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. 39)

All of the above listed, funds, in aggregation, are the composite general fund (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. 39).

  1. Does the report state the basis of accounting used for General Fund?

I was not able to specifically identify the method of accounting, utilized, by the city of Washington, DC, for their 2015, CAFR. However, I am aware of the fact, that modified, actuarial accounting, is generally, utilized, for government accounting. Although, I found this particular CAFR, to be more verbose, and less data table intensive, the data sets, that I did view, were similar to those that were presented, as modified accrual accounting, by the city of Gainesville, FL, in the 2014 CAFR.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/info_8636987_modified-accrual-accounting-necessary.html

The City of Gainesville, FL, uses modified accrual accounting, on all government, fund budgets.

  1. What types of assets are included on the governmental funds balance sheet?

City of Washington, DC, C.A.F.R., 2015, Exhibit 2-a

Balance Sheet Assets:

  • Cash and cash equivalents;


  • Due from Federal government;


  • Taxes receivable, net;


  • Accounts receivable, net;


  • Due from component units;


  • Due from other funds;


  • Inventories;


  • Other current assets;


  • Cash and cash equivalents restricted;


  • Investments restricted;


  • Other long term assets. (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Exhibit 2-a).


  1. Do current and noncurrent liabilities appear on the balance sheet?

Only current liabilities are listed, on the general funds balance sheet.

(Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Exhibit 2-a)

Current and none current liabilities, are listed on the statement, of net position.

(Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Exhibit 3-a)

  1. Is this reporting consistent with the basis of accounting being followed?


Modified Accrual Basis Accounting:

Method under which revenues are recognized in the period they become available and measurable, and expenditures are recognized in the period associated liability is incurred. Most government accounting follows this method. Also called modified cash basis accounting. (Para.1)

The City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R., is based on the accounting principles of: general accepted accounting principles, and, the modified accrual basis accounting. p.117 (82)

*Other Governmental Fund Types:

  1. List the names of governmental funds other than the General Fund that are included as major funds in the fund financial statements.

The Washington, DC, CAFR, 2015, lists the following major funds, as part of, the governmental funds-reported:

  • General Fund;
  • Federal and private resources fund;
  • Housing production trust fund;
  • General capital improvements fund. (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Note 1: Basis of Presentation)
  1. Identify which of the major funds, if applicable, are special revenue fund, debt service fund, capital project fund, and permanent fund?

(Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Note 1: Basis of Presentation)

The Federal and Private resources fund, is used for: “specified/special fund,” expenditures (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Note 1: Basis of Presentation). There is no information provided, in regards to, what the specifc, :special funding” projects are, that receive monies, from, the city of Washington, DC, Federal and Private resources fund.

*Proprietary Funds:

  1. List the names of the fiduciary funds included in the fund financial statements.

(Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies)

  1. Identify whether each of these is an agency fund, investment trust fund, pension trust fund, or private-purpose trust fund?

Both of the fiduciary funds are listed as, revenue earning business-type accounts. The money earned by both: the lottery fund, and the unemployment compensation fund, are investment trust funds. The money earned by the lottery, is reinvested, back into supporting, continued lottery operations. The revenue earned by the unemployment compensation fund, is reinvested back into the work force, after an employee quits, after a certain length of service, working, for any given employer.

  1. Do the financial statements provide evidence as to what basis of accounting these funds use?

Yes, they look to be the result, of modified accrual accounting, for United States


*Notes to the Financial Statements:

  1. What significant accounting policies are discussed in the first note?

The entire CAFR report, is re-discussed, in much more details, with lengthy explanations, in the notes.


  1. Does the note describe the entities that are included as component units?

(Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies)

The city of Washington, DC, has five component units, that are listed, on the District of Columbia, CAFR, balance sheets:

  • Health Benefit Exchange Authority;


  • Housing Finance Agency;


  • Not-for-profit Hospital Corporation;


  • University of the District of Columbia;


  • Washington Convention and Sports Authority. (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies)


  1. Does it list entities that are not considered component units?

(Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies)

Yes, The District of Columbia Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, it is technically, a blended component unit, as opposed, to the simpler, just plain, component unit.


  1. Are there any notes that disclose (1) any material violations of legal provisions (2) deficit fund balances or net assets, or (3) significant commitments or contingencies?

No budgetary violations, are specifically stated, in the notes, following the CAFR. However, the existence, of budgetary restraints-as controls, and, the existence, of: “encumbrances,” are briefly discussed.  The fact, that the city, of Washington, DC, recognizes, the need to have policy in place, to prevent waste of: United States-state and Federal monies, indicates, that, unnecessary spending, and over-spending, does occur, from time to time (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies).


Works Cited


Alexander, C., Omisore, D., & Slack, B. (2015). City of Washington, DC CARF 2015 and Data

          Sets [Data file]. Retrieved from http://cfo.dc.gov/page/annual-financial-report-cafr


Attmore, R. H., Ives, Martin (Spring 2015). GASB’s Governmental Fund Reporting Model Is

Seriously Flawed. Journal of Government Financial Management. vol. 64 (issue 1). Retrieved from http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=1&sid=7b7413a0-83b2-44ee-bae9-ed01e9951cfc%40sessionmgr4010&hid=4102


Datt, S., O’Brien, D., & Sagnip, S. M. (2012). The Last Mile. Journal of Government Financial

         Management. vol. 61 (issue 1). Retrieved from http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=1&sid=7b7413a0-83b2-44ee-bae9-ed01e9951cfc%40sessionmgr4010&hid=4102


Kattelus, Susan C., Reck, Jacqueline L., & Wilson, Earl R. (2010). Accounting for Governmental

             & Nonprofit Entities. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin.


Modified Accrual Basis Accounting. (n.d.). In BusinessDictionary.com. Retrieved from



No Author. (Jul 2016). 5 Trends Creating New Demands on Government Reporting.

Governing, vol.29 (issue 10). Retrieved from   http://eds.b.ebscohost.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=1&sid=b873d37f-c7a9-4cf2-83b3-dc9db1306a63%40sessionmgr106&hid=120





CAFR Gainesville, FL, US: 2014-“Cooking Books”-“Red Flags,”Everywhere-Is Anyone Honest In America Anymore?

April 5, 2015

Assignment 1: Non Profit Organizations: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (C.A.F.R.): City of Gainesville, Florida


Bayo E. Cary

The typical company uses the Financial Accounting Board Standards (FASB) standards for financial reporting and preparing the financial statements, governmental accounting is different. In governmental accounting, Government Accounting Board Standards (GASB) standards must be used to create what is commonly known as the CAFR. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is an all-encompassing document required by all governmental entities and requires the use of GASB standard # 34 as that is the basis for all governmental accounting.

Assignment Directions:

A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is a government’s complete accounting of “net worth”. The CAFR was established as a public accounting record and is mandatory by Federal requirement for all local governmental entities.

Obtain a CAFR from a city or county governmental entity; these are usually available as a .pdf download from the entity’s web site. Using the questions in exercises and problems 2-1 in Chapter 2, evaluate the CAFR according to the criteria presented. Attach a copy of the report as an appendix to your paper.

Exercises and Problems 2-1 Examine the C.A.F.R.:

Examine the financial statements included in the financial section and answer the following questions: City of Gainesville, Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R. 2014

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Office of Financial Management

What’s in the CAFR?

The CAFR is presented in three sections:

  1. Introductory section – includes transmittal letter.
  2. Financial section – includes the independent auditor’s report and contains management’s discussion and analysis, government-wide financial statements, fund financial statements, notes to the financial statements, required supplementary information, combining financial statements, and schedules.
  3. Statistical section – includes additional financial, economic, and demographic information. (para. 1)

What Are C.A.F.R.s?

Most Government budget reports show where “tax” revenue will be used. The CAFR on the other hand is not a projection of one year’s expenditures from a select grouping of agencies, but a complete cumulative record of assets, investments, and gross income from all agencies and all sources benefiting that local government body. (Para. 3)

A CAFR is similar to the Annual Financial Report (AFR) that publicly traded corporations are required to produce each year and give to every share-holder as a requirement of Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) law. In many cases, a CAFR may show two to three times more income over what is shown in the corresponding Budget Report. (Para. 4)

Relevant to taxpayer interests, the CAFR “is” the report that would be the report for review over a limit showing as seen in the corresponding Budget report. The CAFR could be considered the Bible of asset accounting for any local government body. (Para. 5)

Government-wide Statements:

  1. What are the titles, of the 2 government-wide statements?

Government-wide Financial Statements


Government-wide Financial Statements

Statement of Net Position 1

Statement of Activities 2

  1. Are total assets larger for governmental activities or business-type activities?


Governmental Activities

GASB 34 requires that the statement of activities present governmental activities at least at the level of detail required in the governmental fund statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances, at a minimum by function. The governmental fund types (general, special revenue, debt service, capital outlay, and the new permanent funds) will all roll up together to be part of the governmental activities portion of the statement of activities. Accordingly, all expenditures reported in the governmental funds will have to be combined and reported by function (as well as be adjusted from modified accrual to full accrual)

General Fund

General fund expenditures are currently broken down into the following functions: General Government; Culture, Recreation, and Tourism; Transportation and Development; Public Safety; Health and Welfare; Corrections; Conservation and Environment; Education; Other; and Intergovernmental. We would use these categories of functions on the statement of activities; therefore, these expenditures would roll up easily into the statement of activities, and nothing different than what we do now would have to be done to report these general fund expenditures as functional expenses under governmental activities. However, the general fund also reports two categories of debt service under expenditures: principal retirement, and interest and fiscal charges. Principal retirement is reported as an expenditure in the fund statements, but is a reduction in a liability in the statement of net assets and is not reported as an expense in the statement of activities. The interest and fiscal charges will be part of the indirect interest expense in the statement of activities. Added to the interest and fiscal charges will be additional adjustments (such as accrued interest) resulting from converting the fund statements done in modified accrual to the government-wide statement of activities done in full accrual. p.2

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

Government Activities

Net position – September 30 2014  222,914,58 (MDA-4 p.25)

GASB Statement

Business Activities

GASB 34 requires that business-type activities should be presented at least by segment in the statement of activities, not by function as is required for governmental activities.

A segment is an identifiable activity reported as or within an enterprise fund or another stand-alone entity for which one or more revenue bonds or other revenue-backed debt instruments are outstanding. A segment has a specific identifiable revenue stream pledged in support of these revenue bonds or other revenue-backed debt, and has related expenses, gains, losses, assets, and liabilities that can be identified. Currently, enterprise funds report expenditures by object; however, they will be reported by segment in the statement of activities, and all expenditures will be added together as one lump sum for expenses for each segment; therefore, expenses for business-type activities do not have to be reported by function. p.4

Accounting For Government and Non-profit Entities

Thus, for most governments the information reported in the Business-type Activities column of the government-wide statements will be the same as the enterprise fund totals, reported in the proprietary fund statements. Furthermore, since the business-type activity financial information is reported using the same measurement focus and basis of accounting in the proprietary fund and government-wide statements, there is no need to reconcile any differences between the statements or to use a dual-track approach. p.47

Business Activities

Net Position September 30 2014 $     582,993,145 (MDA-4 p.25)

  1. Which function or program has the highest net cost?

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30 2014: The highest expenses are Public Safety:

Public safety          64,021,054 (MDA-4 p.25)

  1. What kinds of general revenues are available to cover the net cost of governmental


City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30 2014: The general revenues available to cover net cost of government, are: property taxes: 26,476,044, Other taxes:  21,516,536, State revenue sharing:  3,945,358, Investment gain:  6,061,874, Other revenue:  3,495,904 (MDA-4 p.25)

  1. Were business-type activities “profitable”?

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30, 2015

Business type activities were profitable. Business type activities, for the City of Gainesville, FL, in 2014, according the City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R., earned a net total, of: $  582,993,145 $     805,907,734 Is the excess of revenues over expenses positive?

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30, 2015

The total revenues, in 2014, according to the City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R., were in excess, as compared to the total expenditures, for that year-the net gain, was: $  805,907,734 (MDA-4 p.25)

  1. Are there any component units that are discreetly presented as a column on the government-wide financial statements?

Accounting for Governmental and Non Profit Organizations

Component units are legally separate organizations, including organizations such as governmental hospitals, library districts, and public building authorities, for which the elected officials of the primary government are financially accountable. In addition, a component unit can be another organization for which the nature and significance of its relationship with the primary government, including its ongoing financial support of the primary government or its other component units, is such that exclusion would cause the reporting entity’s financial statements to be misleading. p.39

There is one component unit listed discreetly, on the City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R. Statement of Activities, financial statement, for September 30, 2015. The component unit, is labeled: Gainesville Enterprise Zone Development, however, it has no financial transaction history. p.33 (2) The component unit, is not listed at all, on the government-wide, financial statement, for the City of Gainesville, FL, as per: September 30, 2015. (MDA-4 p.25)

General Fund:

  1. What title is given to the fund that functions as the General Fund?

Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities

The governmental funds category includes five types of funds: the General Fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, capital project funds, and permanent funds. Every state and local government has one and only one General Fund, although it may be called by a different name such as General Revenue Fund, General Operating Fund, or Current Fund. p.42

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30, 2015

The City of Gainesville, FL, labeled the General Fund, as, the General Fund:

Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures – Budget and Actual – General Fund 81  p.5 (ii)

  1. Does the report state the basis of accounting used for General Fund?

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30, 2015

All governmental fund budgets are maintained on the modified accrual basis of accounting except that budgetary basis expenditures include purchase orders and contracts (encumbrances) issued for goods or services not received at year-end. p.117 (82)

The actual results of operations are presented in accordance with GAAP, and the City does not recognize encumbrances as expenditures until the period in which the goods or services are actually received and a liability is incurred. It is necessary to include the budgetary encumbrances to reflect actual revenues and expenditures on a budgetary basis consistent with the City’s legally adopted budget. p.117 (82)

Modified accrual accounting is mainly used by government agencies. It combines cash-basis accounting and accrual-basis accounting, and it focuses on the “determination of financial position and changes in financial position (sources, uses, and balance of financial resources),” as described in the Financial Accounting Standard Board’s Accounting Standards Codification for governmental accounting. (Para. 1)

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/info_8636987_modified-accrual-accounting-necessary.htm

The City of Gainesville, FL, uses modified accrual accounting, on all government, fund budgets.

  1. What types of assets are included on the governmental funds balance sheet?

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30, 2015

Capital Assets

Capital assets, which include property, plant, equipment, and infrastructure assets (e.g., roads, sidewalks, bike paths, and similar items) are reported in the applicable governmental or business-type activities columns in the government-wide financial statements. Capital assets, other than those recorded in the Utility fund, are defined by the City as assets with an initial, individual cost of more than $2,000 and an estimated useful life in excess of one year. Utility fund capital assets are defined as assets with an initial, individual cost of more than $2,500 and a useful life in excess of more than one year. (61 p.27)

All capital assets are valued at historical cost or estimated historical cost if actual historical cost is not available.  Donated capital assets are valued at their estimated market value on the date donated.  The costs of normal maintenance and repairs that do not add to the value of the asset or materially extend asset lives are not capitalized. (62 p.28)

Net assets, are listed on the government funds, balance sheet, as amount to: 772,348,165, as of October 1, 2015, however, the individuals assets themselves, are not listed. (MDA-4 p.25) Current, Other assets, and Capital assets, are listed in separate categories, on the: City of Gainesville, FL Net Position, balance sheet. (MDA-3 p.24) Current assets, for the year of 2014, are listed as: $      554,924,052, Capital assets for 2014, are listed as: 2,493,514,879, and total assets, for 2014, are listed as: 3,048,438,931 . (MDA-3 p.24) City of Gainesville, FL assets, are also listed, on a Capital assets, depreciation chart, however, like the City of Gainesville, FL Net Position balance sheet, the information is presented, as separate, from the governmental funds balance sheet. (MDA-8 p.29) On the Gainesville, FL Capital assets depreciation balance sheet: land, utility P&E, utility capital lease, buildings, improvements, mach. And equip., infrastructure, and const. and prog., are all listed, as depreciating Capital assets, with a total net depreciation, for the year of 2014, of: $2,493,514,879  . (MDA-8 p.29)

  1. Do current and noncurrent liabilities appear on the balance sheet?

Current and noncurrent liabilities, are not listed as separate discreet categories, on the Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R. balance sheet, for the year: 2014 (MDA-4 p.25). The City of Gainesville, FL, current, and noncurrent liabilities, are, however, specifically listed, on the City of Gainesville’s Net Position balance sheet (MDA-3 p.24). Long-term liabilities, for the City of Gainesville, FL, for 2014, are listed as: 2,090,204,042.00, Other liabilities, are listed as: 168,475,076.00, and total liabilities, are listed as: 2,258,679,118.00 (MDA-3 p.24).

  1. Is this reporting consistent with the basis of accounting being followed?


Modified Accrual Basis Accounting:

Method under which revenues are recognized in the period they become available and measurable, and expenditures are recognized in the period associated liability is incurred. Most government accounting follows this method. Also called modified cash basis accounting. (Para.1)

The City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R., is based on the accounting principles of: general accepted accounting principles, and, the modified accrual basis accounting. p.117 (82)

Other Governmental Fund Types:

  1. List the names of governmental funds other than the General Fund that are included as major funds in the fund financial statements.

Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities

Determination of Major Funds

By its nature the General Fund of a government is always a major fund. In addition, any fund that a government considers of significant importance to financial statement users can be reported as major. Otherwise, GASBS 34 requires that any fund that meets the following size criteria be designated as major:

  1. Total assets, liabilities, revenues, or expenditures/expenses of that governmental or enterprise fund are at least 10 percent of the corresponding element total (assets, liabilities, and so forth) for all funds of that category or type (that is, total governmental or total enterprise funds), and (emphasis added);
  2. The same element that met the 10 percent criterion in (a) is at least 5 percent of the corresponding element total for all governmental and enterprise funds combined. (p.49)

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R. Major Funds

September 30, 2014

The City of Gainesville, FL, as of the C.A.F.R., of 2014, has a great deal many, of major funds, I am therefore, only going to list, the non-major funds-all of the other information, about the City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R. funds, is information, about the major funds.



Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than expendable trusts or for major capital projects) that are restricted to expenditures for specific purposes (p.126).

The City maintains the following Special Revenue Funds:

Community Development Block Grant Fund – to maintain unique accounting requirements for Federal funds being used to refurbish and rehabilitate deteriorated neighborhoods (p.126).

Urban Development Action Grant Fund – to account for Urban Development Action Grant Funds loaned to a local developer for construction of a downtown-parking garage. The loan is to be repaid based on provisions of an agreement (p.126).

Home Grant Fund – to maintain unique accounting requirements for HOME Investment Partnerships Program Grant funds.  This program was created under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 (p.126).

Cultural and Nature Projects Fund – to account for revenues and expenditures associated with various cultural activities provided for the benefit of the citizens of the City.  Financing is provided by various charges for services and miscellaneous revenue sources (p.126).

State Law Enforcement Contraband Forfeiture Fund – to account for law enforcement related projects funded by the proceeds from state confiscated property forfeited under the provisions of Sections 932.701 through 932.704, Florida Statutes (p.126).

Federal Law Enforcement Contraband Forfeiture Fund – to account for law enforcement related projects funded by the proceeds from federal confiscated property forfeited under the provisions of USC 21 SS 881 and U.S. Department of Justice, Guide to Equitable Sharing of Federally Forfeited Property for State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies (p. 126).

Police Billable Overtime Fund – to account for revenues and expenditures associated billable overtime that the Police Department performs outside of their regular duties for both City events and non-City events.  Fees are set with the intent to cover variable costs including overtime pay and benefits (p.126).

Community Redevelopment Agency Fund – to account for the administrative operations of the City’s four tax increment districts. This fund is a component unit of the City and is reported as a blended component unit in the nonmajor governmental funds section (p.126).

American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Grants Fund – to account for multiple ARRA grants, which are restricted in purpose and are segregated from other grants to provide for more transparent reporting of stimulus funding (p.126).

Street, Sidewalk and Ditch Improvement Fund – to account for the provision and financing of paving and ditch improvement projects.  Financing is provided by assessments levied against property owners in a limited geographical area as improvement projects are approved (p.126).

Economic Development Fund – to account for revenue and expenditures made to promote economic development.  Includes operating expense and rental revenue generated by the GTEC (Gainesville Technology Incubator) facility (p. 126).

Miscellaneous Gifts and Grants Fund – to account for a large number of miscellaneous gifts and grants, which are single purpose in nature and require minimal special accounting features (p.127).

Transportation Concurrency Exception Area Fund – to account for revenue and expenditures generated in connection with transportation improvements made in conjunction with new developments.  Funds are provided by real estate developers to mitigate the development’s impact on transportation in accordance with Ordinance #981310 (p.127).

Water and Wastewater Surcharge Infrastructure Fund – to account for surcharge collections and interest earnings which are to be expended on related infrastructure improvements for water and wastewater.  Half of the funds collected are transferred to this fund.  Resolution #030223 specifies that the expenditures are to be used as follows:  20% health/safety/environmental projects. 20% affordable housing projects, and 60% programmed extension projects (p.127).

Supportive Housing Investment Partnership (SHIP) Fund – to account for documentary stamp proceeds from real estate transactions to be used as funding for the entitlement program (p. 127).  Expenditures made by the City include grants to improve housing options for lower income and less advantaged citizens (p. 127).

Small Business Loan Fund – to account for revenue and expenditures associated with revolving loan funds to local small businesses.  This fund was established in fiscal year 2005 with the funds received through an insurance settlement associated with the United Gainesville Community Development Corporation (p. 127).

Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund – to account for several miscellaneous programs that are of small dollar value and are restricted to a specific project or activity (p. 127).

Tourist Destination Enhancement Fund – to account for Tourist Development tax dollars passed through from the County and awarded as grants to artistic, eco-tourism and new program projects that will promote tourism in the area (p. 127).

Proportionate Fair Share Program Fund – to account for developer contributions and related projects associated with proportionate fair share agreements in accordance with the City’s Land Development Code’s Proportionate Fair-Share Program, as authorized by FS 163.3180, allowing developments outside of the TCEA to proceed by contributing towards the cost of traffic management system and transit improvements (p. 127).

Tourist Product Development Fund-FY12 – to account for Tourist Product Development tax dollars passed through from the County and awarded as grants to artistic, eco-tourism and new program projects that will promote tourism in the area during fiscal year 2012. The City’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department administers the program for Alachua County (p.127).

Tourist Product Development Fund-FY13 – to account for Tourist Product Development tax dollars passed through from the County and awarded as grants to artistic, eco-tourism and new program projects that will promote tourism in the area during fiscal year 2013. The City’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department administers the program for Alachua County (p.127).

Tourist Product Development Fund-FY14 – to account for Tourist Product Development tax dollars passed through from the County and awarded as grants to artistic, eco-tourism and new program projects that will promote tourism in the area during fiscal year 2014. The City’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department administers the program for Alachua County (p. 127).

Evergreen Cemetery Trust Fund – to account for revenues, which will be used to finance perpetual care expenses incurred by the General Fund for cemetery gravesites.  Interest income and income from lot sales and perpetual care contracts provide the financing sources (p.127).

School Crossing Guard Trust Fund – to account for the surcharge imposed on parking fines to fund the School Crossing Guard Program (p.128).

Art in Public Places Trust Fund – to account for the use of funds to purchase art for new or majorlyrenovated City buildings, and to accumulate funds to provide art that is accessible to the public in accordance with City Ordinance #3509 (p. 128).

Downtown Redevelopment Tax Increment Fund – to account for certain property tax increments, and interest earned on such funds, which are to be used for specific projects involving downtown redevelopment (p. 128).

Fifth Avenue Tax Increment Fund – to account for certain property tax increments, and interest earned on such funds, which are to be used for specific projects involving redevelopment of the Fifth Avenue and Pleasant Street neighborhoods (p.128).

College Park Tax Increment Fund – to account for certain property tax increments and interest  earned on such funds, which are to be used for specific projects involving redevelopment of the  College Park and University Heights neighborhoods (p. 128).

Eastside Tax Increment Fund – to account for certain property tax increments and interest earned on such funds, which are to be used for specific projects involving redevelopment of the  Eastside Redevelopment District (p. 128).

  1. Identify which of the major funds, if applicable, are special revenue fund, debt service fund, capital project fund, and permanent fund?

Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities

  • Special Revenue Fund (S.R.F): Funds used to account for revenues from specific taxes or other earmarked revenue sources that by law are designated to finance particular functions or activities of government. After the fund is established, it usually continues year after year until discontinued or revised by proper legislative body. An example is a motor fuel tax fund used to finance highway and road construction. (p. 764)
  • Debt Service Fund (D.S.F.): A fund established to finance and account for the payment of interest and principle on all tax-supported debt, serial and term, including that payable from special assessments. (p. 748)
  • Capital Project Fund (C.P.F.): A fund created to account for all resources to be used for the construction or acquisition of designated capital assets by a government except those financed by proprietary or fiduciary funds. (p. 745)
  • Permanent Fund: Government-type funds used to account for public-purpose trusts for which the earnings are expendable for a specific purpose, but the principle amount in not expendable (i.e., an endowment). (p. 760)

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30, 2015

Fund financial statements. A fund is a grouping of related accounts that is used to maintain control over resources that have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The City, like other state and local governments, uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal requirements. All of the funds of the City can be divided into three categories: governmental funds, proprietary funds, and fiduciary funds. (MDA-2 p.23)

The City of Gainesville, FL, has present, in the C.A.F.R., from 2014, three different kinds of fund accounts: “governmental funds, proprietary funds, and fiduciary funds” (MDA-2 p. 23). The City of Gainesville, FL, has a: special revenue fund, a debt service fund, and, a capital projects fund (MDA-7 p. 28):

The special revenue funds have a total fund balance of $23,285,218, which represents a decrease of $941,218 from last year’s balance. The debt service funds have a total fund balance of $607,176.  The net decrease in fund balance for the current year for these funds was $153,197.  Fund balance in the capital projects funds decreased by $11,372,633 to end the fiscal year at $30,961,465.  This decrease is primarily due to the planned expenditures of bond funds on capital projects. (MDA-7 p. 28)

Proprietary Funds:

  1. List the names of the fiduciary funds included in the fund financial statements.

Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities

Fiduciary Funds: Any fund held by a government in a fiduciary capacity for an external party, ordinarily as agent or trustee. Also called trust and agency funds (p. 751).

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30, 2015

Fiduciary funds. Fiduciary funds are used to account for resources held for the benefit of parties outside the government. Fiduciary funds are not reflected in the government-wide financial statements because the resources of those funds are not available to support the City’s own programs. The accounting used for fiduciary funds is much like that used for proprietary funds.  The basic fiduciary fund financial statements can be found on pages 14-15 of this report. (MDA-3 p.23)

Fiduciary funds, are simply listed, under the City of Gainesville, FL Net position statement, of proprietary funds, as, restricted assets, totaling: 52,028,581.00, for 2014 (38 p.7). The specific name, of the fiduciary fund itself, is not listed (38 p.7).

  1. Identify whether each of these is an agency fund, investment trust fund, pension trust fund, or private-purpose trust fund?

Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities

  • Agency Fund: Funds consisting of resources received and held by the government as an agent for others; for example, taxes collected and held by a municipality for a school district. Note: Sometimes resources held by a government for other organizations are handled through an agency fund known as a pass-through agency fund. (p. 742)
  • Investment Trust Fund: Funds used to account for the assets, liabilities, net assets, and changes in net assets corresponding to the equity of the external participants. (p. 755)
  • Pension Trust Fund: Public Employee Retirement Systems (P.E.R.S.): The organizations that collect retirement and other employee benefit contributions from government employers and employees, manage assets, and make payments to qualified retirants, beneficiaries, and disabled employees. (p. 761)
  • Private Purpose Trust Fund: Funds that account for contributions received under a trust agreement in which the investment income of an endowment is intended to benefit an external individual, organization, or government. (p. 760)

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30, 2015

The City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R. does not specifically list any fiduciary funds in enough detail, for me to classify them (38 p.7). The one exception, is the information, pertaining to City of Gainesville, FL employee pensions. Employee pensions, for the City of Gainesville, FL, are bonded, and information, in regards to their bonding debt, is available, on a chart displaying, the City of Gainesville’s bonding debt: Pension obligation bonds $ 7 9,230,933 (MDA-8). Defined Benefit Pension Investments These funds represent investments administered by the City’s Defined Benefit Pension Fund Investment Managers.  They comprise $557,673,840 of the City’s total fair value of investments, and are exclusive of the $14,614,715 held in cash by the Trustees. (53 p.19)

  1. Do the financial statements provide evidence as to what basis of accounting these funds use?

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30, 2015

All of the funds, that are accounted for, by the City of Gainesville, FL, in the 2014 C.A.F.R., are subject to the: general accepted accounting principles, and, modified accrual basis accounting. p.117 (82)

Notes to the Financial Statements:

  1. What significant accounting policies are discussed in the first note?

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30, 2015

The accounting policies of the City of Gainesville, Florida (City) conform to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applicable to governmental units.  This report, the accounting systems and classification of accounts conform to standards of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) or, where applicable, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB).  Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU or the Utility) is a combined municipal utility system operating electric, water, wastewater, natural gas and telecommunications utilities.  GRU is a utility enterprise of the City and is reported as an enterprise fund of the City.  GRU has adopted the uniform system of accounts prescribed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America using the accrual basis of accounting, including the application of regulatory accounting as described in GASB Statement No. 62 – Codification of Accounting and Financial Reporting Guidance Contained in Pre-November 30, 1989 FASB and AICPA Pronouncements.  Rates are approved annually by the City Commission. (50 p.16)

The government-wide financial statements are reported using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting, as are the proprietary funds and pension and OPEB trust funds within the fiduciary fund financial statements. Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when a liability is incurred, regardless of the timing of the related cash flows. (52 p.18)

Governmental fund financial statements are reported using the current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they become measurable and available to finance expenditures of the fiscal period. Measurable refers to the ability to quantify in monetary terms the amount of the revenue and receivable. Available means collectible in the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities at the balance sheet date. For this purpose, the City considers revenues to be available if they are collected within 60 days of the end of the current fiscal period. Property taxes are recognized as revenues in the year for which they are levied. Grants and similar items are recognized as revenue as soon as all eligibility requirements imposed by the provider have been met. Transfers are recognized in the accounting period in which the interfund receivable and payable arise. Expenditures are recognized in the accounting period in which the related fund liability is incurred, if measurable, except for unmatured principal and interest on long-term debt. (52 p.18)

  1. Does the note describe the entities that are included as component units?

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30, 2015

Component Unit Information in Notes:

As required by generally accepted accounting principles, the accompanying financial statements present the City as a primary government and its component units, entities for which the City is considered financially accountable.   The component units are included in the reporting entity because of the significance of their operational relationship with the primary government.  A primary government is financially accountable for the organizations that make up its legal entity.  It is also financially accountable for legally separate organizations if its officials appoint a voting majority of the organization’s governing body and either it is able to impose its will on that organization or there is a potential for the organization to provide specific financial benefits to, or to impose specific financial burdens on, the primary government.  The primary government may also be financially accountable for governmental organizations that are fiscally dependent on it. (50 p.16)

Blended Component Unit – A legally separate entity, the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) was created by ordinance of the City to carry out community redevelopment within the City of Gainesville under Chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes. The City Commission sits as the board of this organization and approves its budget. The CRA is reported as if it were a part of the City because the City Commission is its governing body and because of the existence of a financial benefit/burden relationship. The CRA’s operating fund and four Tax Increment District project funds are reported as separate nonmajor governmental funds. This organization has a September 30 year-end.  Separate financial statements of the CRA are prepared and are available by contacting the City at PO Box 490, MS 14, Gainesville, Florida 32627.   (50 p.16)

Discretely Presented Component Unit – The Gainesville Enterprise Zone Development Agency (GEZDA) was created by ordinance of the City to carry out community redevelopment within the City of Gainesville under Chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes. The City Commission appoints the board of this organization and approves its budget.  This organization has a September 30 year-end.  Separate financial statements of this agency are not prepared. (50 p.16)

The following entities are not included in the accompanying financial statements:

Gainesville Housing Authority (GHA)   GHA is a public housing authority (dependent special district) created under Section 421.04 of the Florida Statutes. The GHA is considered a related organization because the City is responsible for appointing a voting majority of GHA’s board members.  The City is not financially accountable for the GHA. (51 p.17)

Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority (GACRAA) GACRAA is an independent special district created for the purpose of providing airport services for citizens of Gainesville and Alachua County, Florida and surrounding areas.  The GACRAA is considered a related organization because the City is responsible for appointing a voting majority of GACRAA’s board members. The City is not financially accountable for the GACRAA. (51 p.17)

  1. Does it list entities that are not considered component units?

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30 2015

No entities are reported, that are not considered to be, component units (50-51 p.16-17).

  1. Are there any notes that disclose (1) any material violations of legal provisions (2) deficit fund balances or net assets, or (3) significant commitments or contingencies?

City of Gainesville, FL C.A.F.R.

September 30, 2015

There were no violations of legal provisions, deficit fund balances, or deficit net assets, or any significant commitments, or contingencies, mentioned, in the C.A.F.R. Notes.

Opinion on Each Major Federal Program and State Project In our opinion, the City complied, in all material respects, with the types of compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effect on its major federal program and each of its major state projects for the year ended September 30, 2014. (238 p. 190)

Wikipedia Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (n.d.):

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, also called GAAP or US GAAP, are the generally accepted accounting principles adopted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). While the SEC has stated that it intends to move from US GAAP to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the latter differ considerably from GAAP and progress has been slow and uncertain. (para. 1)

Wikipedia Comprehensive Annual Financial Report:

A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is a set of U.S. government financial statements comprising the financial report of a state, municipal or other governmental entity that complies with the accounting requirements promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). GASB provides standards for the content of a CAFR in its annually updated publication Codification of Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards.[1] The U.S. Federal Government adheres to standards determined by the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB).

The primary difference between a budget and a CAFR is a budget is a plan for a specific fiscal period (often a year) primarily showing where tax income is to be allocated. The CAFR contains the results of the period (year) with previous years accumulations. A CAFR shows the total of all financial accounting that a general purpose budget reports does not. The CAFR contains a section that provides a comparison of period budget and actual. Additionally, the CAFR gives a detailed showing of investment accounts by category reflecting balances over previous years.

A Government budget document is a blueprint for a “specific grouping” of government agencies’ spending over the course of an annual financial period. General Purpose Budgets contain both the spending categories of specified units of government, such as school districts, social services, transportation, police, fire, and park services; along with estimates of revenues expected to occur during the year, such as investment return; overrides of money from the previous year, and tax payments. They are usually more limited to the expected costs of running the aforementioned government operations through tax income as opposed to describing the status of any government fixed assets and investment wealth.


Works Cited

Burien, Walter J. Jr. (10-23-06). What Are C.A.F.R.s? Rense.com. Retrieved from



Daulton, Brent. (n.d.). Why is Modified Accrual Accounting Necessary?



Kattelus, Susan C., Reck, Jacqueline L., & Wilson, Earl R. (2010). Accounting for Governmental

             & Nonprofit Entities. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin.


Modified Accrual Basis Accounting. (n.d.). In BusinessDictionary.com. Retrieved from



Tenace, Karen. Anatomy of a CFAR: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report [Slide Show].

Retrieved from www.gfoaz.org/docs/presos/011108gov_acct101/011108gov


Unknown Author. (2014). Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (C.A.F.R.). Retrieved from



Unknown Author. (n.d.). Comprehensive Annual Financial Report: What’s In The C.A.F.R.? In

Office of Financial Management. Retrieved from http://www.ofm.wa.gov/cafr/



Retrieved from




Wikipedia/Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. (n.d.). Retrieved April 5, 2015 from the

Wikipedia Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_annual_financial_report


Wikipedia/Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. (n.d.). Retrieved April 5, 2015 from the

Wikipedia Wiki:



CAFR Financial Accounts Audit, For: Washington, DC-Doctoral Studies Research Homework-Work In-Progress, Because, The Pentagon Didn’t Want To Hire Me Either-Funny-Applications Still Pending: D.o.D.? Rough Draft Number 1!

July 24, 2016


Northcentral University (NCU) Doctoral Studies:

Business Administration, Specialization: Advanced Accounting


Assignment 2: Non Profit Organizations: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (C.A.F.R.): City of Washington, DC Year 2015- Financial Accounts Audit Exercise


PhD Candidate Student: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Current Location: Homeless in United States 6 years now

West Palm Beach, FL

Hostage and Political Prisoner in the United State

Applicant for Political Asylum in Europe

Current Email: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex.com

Telephone: 352-219-1872


Assignment Directions:

A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is a government’s complete accounting of: “net worth.” The CAFR, was established as a public accounting record, and is mandatory by Federal requirements, for all local governmental entities, within the United States.

Obtain a CAFR from a city or county governmental entity-these are usually available as a .pdf download from the entity’s web site. Using the questions in exercises and problems 2-1 in Chapter 2, evaluate the CAFR, according to the criteria presented. Attach a copy of the report as an appendix to your paper, when you submit your assignment, and upload it online

Exercises and Problems 2-1 Examine the C.A.F.R.:

Examine the financial statements included in the financial section and answer the following questions, as they pertain to, the city of: Washington, DC, US, based on information made available to the general public online, in the most recent CAFR available-2015.

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Office of Financial Management:

Last year, in 2015, when I initially completed this assignment, I chose the City of Gainesville, FL US, for my: CAFR, audit accounts student exercise. I grew up, in Gainesville, FL US, and, I attended and graduated from, the University of Florida, research and developmental high school, as well as, Santa Fe Community College-which is now just: Santa Fe College, as well as: The University of Florida-itself.

My impetus, for auditing the accounts, of the City of Gainesville, FL US, was, a continued lack of employment, in my hometown of Gainesville, FL, although, presumably, I still had friends, in town working, who, quite possibly knew me well, knew that I was homeless, and quite capable academically, and of employment. Because, I am under the impression, if people care about you, and they are aware of the fact that you are in need, and you can help yourself-with even a little assistance from the outside, such as: employment, etc.-that, family or friends, should they exists anywhere-would, because they do care, that you should live-offer you some sort of employment, that, you very well qualify for.

My first Master’s Degree, from: Florida State University, is in the area, of: Library and Information Science, with a specialization, in information science. Therefore, the first employment positions, that I applied for, in Gainesville, FL, were positions, in the field, of library sciences, at both: the public libraries, and, the private university libraries.  When-after several weeks, I received no response, to my applications for work, at the local libraries, it was at that time, that I began to apply, for employment positions, in other fields-not even closely related, to library studies.

I still was qualified for the employment positions, for which I applied-however, I was soo qualified for the position, that I was: “overqualified.” I had some choices, in Gainesville, FL, in regards to where to apply for work, and then again, it was not until-even after my request for employment as a janitor, was rejected, that I then decided, to perform and independent audit, of the accounting books, of the entire city, of: Gainesville, FL, US. What I discovered, in my independent analysis, of the accounting records, for the city of: Gainesville, FL, US, was not positive information. Gainesville, FL, has been-as of the 2015 CAFR: “cooking the books,” and engaging in many forms, of illegal accounts management, for at least 10 years.

I was illegally, and immediately, then, shipped off by my adopted family-who have completely abandoned me, to a mental hospital, in the Gainesville, FL area: Shands At Vista, for many reasons-none of them pertaining to mental health problems, as defined by the: DMS IV.  In large part, my immediate hospitalization, for mental health problems, that were none existent-again, was a response to, the: “A” grade that I received, on my assignment-this very same one, that was-instead of being focused, on: Washington, DC, US-focused, on: Gainesville, FL US. I am now, because of continued torture, abuse, neglect, and complete abandonment, by my adopted family, in the United States, an applicant for political asylum, in Europe.

At present, I am located, in: West Palm Beach, FL-so, I will not decide, to audit the accounts, of the city of West Palm Beach, FL.  However, because of my, pending applications, for political asylum, in Europe, I will be flying, from West Palm Beach, FL, to, Washington, DC-to speak to various embassies there, including the: Russian Embassy-in about, 2 weeks-long after this Northcentral University doctoral studies homework assignment, has been emailed, to all of my International contacts-who are assisting me, with my political asylum application process, and, posted online, at several of my blog spots, for interesting reading, and important information about the International state of affairs, as it relates, to: terrorism, America, and the Obama Administration-that I happily share, as a freelance reporter.

What’s in the CAFR?

There are basic guidelines, for the presentation of information, with in the yearly required: CAFR presentation, of information, about an American city’s: financial accounts, and money management.  However, due to the fact, that there is some flexibility, in the presentation requirements, for the information, presented in a: CAFR, when I am communicating information, on: “the CAFR,” I am specifically, only referring to, the: Washington, DC, CAFR-at this point, and only the one, that has been made available online, in PDF format-as required, from the year: 2015.

Although, the city, of Washington, DC, received, in 2015, a good review, by what is reported as, an independent auditor, of their, 2014 financial accounting, that in no way means, that all the information, required to be in the city’s CAFR-is present. A good review, by an independent auditor, of a city’s financial management and accounting, does not mean, that the city did anything correct-at all. In 2015, I, as a student still, and working towards my PhD, in business administration, with a focus, on: advanced accounting, did this exact same exercise, however, at that time, my focus, was: the city of Gainesville, FL US-instead of Washington, DC, US.

The city of Gainesville, FL, US, in: 2015, had received, a total, of at least 9 years, of unqualified, positive reviews, with complete approbation, for the accounting standards, and techniques, that are applied to all financial matters, through the city of Gainesville, FL, US. However, when I, as a doctoral student, of: advanced accounting, looked closely at the accounting records, provided by, the city of Gainesville, FL, in their: 2014 CAFR, I found-after reading closely in my university text books, regarding what financial management techniques, are: approved, allowed, legal, and functional, etc. , within the United States: “Red Flags’-everywhere!

Too often, people are fooled, by outside appearances-they see a White lab coat, and they think, the person wearing that lab coat, must be a well-qualified medical doctor. Or, people see a police officer in a uniform, and a person might think, this man or woman, in the city’s finest uniform, must be a professional, working to keep me safe, and-unfortunately, that is not always the case either.

Then too, with a: CAFR, from any city in the United States.one might read, a positive review, from what is supposed to be, an unqualified, independent from the city-auditor’s comments, in regards to the published report, and the auditor, presumably qualified for their employment position, may write about how wonderful the city is, and how no financial accounting or management problems, or issues exist, and, the auditor’s commentary-may all be, complete: lies and nonsense-i.e., the: city of Gainesville, FL US example, and the: CAFR, from: 2014.

The Washington, DC CAFR, from: 2015, is presented under three major headings, which divide the report, into three sections.  The three major subheadings, are listed above, a number of sub-headings-introductory, financial, and statistical:

  1. Introductory section:
  1. Letter of Transmittal
  2. Organizational Chart
  3. Principal Officials
  4. GFOA Certificate of Achievement;
  1. Financial section:
  1. Independent Accountant Report
  2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis
  3. Basic Financial Statements
  4. Index to The Notes to The Basic Financial Statements
  5. Required Supplementary Information
  6. Other Supplementary Information General Fund
  7. Non-major Governmental Funds
  8. Fiduciary Funds
  9. Supporting Schedules;
  1. Statistical section:
  1. Financial Trends
  2. Revenue Capacity
  3. Debt Capacity
  4. Demographic and Economic Information
  5. Operating Information. (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Table of Contents)

Heat Wave Warning For Washington, DC Today: July 24, 2016 “If You Can’t Handle The Heat-RUN-Get Out Of The Kitchen!” I’m Coming To Washington, DC-Soon: “Bayo-Day-O”

Miss. “Mumbai” Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Freelance Reporter.

Email: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex.com

Current Cellphone: 352-219-1872

Washington DC Heat Emergency and Warning It Is Too Hot To Be Outside July 24 2016  2pm

Working on my homework due, for my Northcentral University PhD program-doctoral studies. I am auditing the City of Washington, DC, for my student exercise, I am reviewing the 2015 CAFR of the city of Washington, DC, that, is posted online, in a pdf format, as required for transparency reasons, by the United States government. The full assignment, is not due, until midnight, California time-tonight.

Washington DC Current Temperature Heat Wave Warning From Authorities July 24 2016  2pm

I am working on the 4th floor, at the West Palm Beach, FL downtown public library-again. It is too hot, for people to be outside, in Washington, DC today, there is a heat wave warning, at 95 degrees, I am homeless, and have been homeless in the US, as a political prisoner and hostage, for 6 years now-no one has ever cared about me needing anything-in the past years, in regards to shelter, in extreme weather.

Gainesville FL Current Temperature Heat Warning Washington DC at 95 Degrees July 24 2016  2pm

I have suffered, through: snow storms, blizzards, hail storms, tornado warnings, hurricanes, severe thunder storms, heat higher than 100 degree Farenheight-for extended periods of time, etc.

Phoenix AZ Current Temperature Heat Wave Warning Washington DC at 95 Degrees July 24  2016  2pm

Today, I have a fever, and I am in excruciating pain. I have no access to medicine-that I need, and, I have a high fever, from: sun burn, and infections. I have no money, and I have no access to a shower, or clean clothing, or shelter, or a toilet, or even cold water-after the library closes today, at 5pm.

Miss. “Mumbai” Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS Updated Resume-Actively Seeking Employment-July 22, 2016 Email: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex.com Cellphone: 352-219-1872 Homeless In United States 6 years Now, Unemployed US Since: 2008, Political Prisoner And Hostage, And Applicant For Political Asylum In Europe

July 22, 2016



General Abridged Resume: Employment Request


*More Information And Examples Of Work- Immediately Available Upon Request:

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


Current Email: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex.com

It is easiest to reach me quickly-by my above listed email address.

Current Cellphone: 352-219-1872

Voicemail active, please leave a message.


Resume: Miss B. E. Cary, A.A., B.A., M.A.

  • Homeless-6 years NOW;
  • Political Prisoner and Hostage United States;
  • Applicant For Political Asylum in Europe;
  • Actively Seeking Employment in Europe to Escape From The US;
  • Current Location West Palm Beach, FL


July 20, 2016


Amnesty International Employment Application

Part II


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Homeless West Palm Beach, FL

Current State of Employment:

Self-Employed: Director and President: Nonprofit Organization: Charity

Emergency International Internet Relief:

Dealing with pressing: legal, medical, educational, and social working problems, of an extreme nature, that are not being handled internationally, by private governments, or by, nonprofit, or nongovernmental organizations. I try to help individuals, through my nonprofit organization, with issues that are so: difficult, cumbersome, dangerous, exhausting, etc.-that, I become the last line of defense.

In other words, if the truth is stranger than fiction, you are praying more about the problems than living your life, if you have run out of all hope, if you no longer believe that a God exists anywhere, if you feel like you cannot go on, and you believe that no one anywhere will ever care about you, and you swear, you really may finally die trying-then, at that point, you should call me- I  have been there, and I have done that, and I can be a friend, and I can be a support, because I am still alive too.

I have hope still, and, I survive by God’s graces-at that point, you should join me!  I am working hard, to help people deal with problems, that, have to be confronted, and, which make too many people, soo uncomfortable, that, they pretend, problems do not exist at all. I am not willing to pretend, like the problems, do not exist. I am pro-active. I am a survivor. I fight back. I fix problems.

I press charges. I prosecute. I sue in court. I win in court. I feel better. I help myself, and, I help others. I am not willing to lay down and die, because some else, wants to pretend, like they are too embarrassed to talk about anything-that is serious wrong-not just illegal. I never keep those kinds of secrets. Welcome, to my world!  I look forward to hearing from you, regarding an interview, for employment.

I was illegally “Blacklisted,” by the US government, under the Obama Administration, in: 2008. I am cable and competent. To earn money, and to have work that I knew would be both: challenging and enjoyable, I utilized provided by my current PhD studies program, in: business administration, to establish my own nonprofit organization: Emergency Intl Internet Relief. I am self-employed. I receive almost no support, or interest-that I am aware of, however, the work I do, is of great importance.

I am studying hard, to support my love of: “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness-“the American dream. I am in the process of applying to law school. It is my sincerest opinion, that I will better be able to defend my rights, and the rights of others-Internationally, with a legal degree.  The law school is called, Northumbria, it is located in the UK, and my chosen program of study, is: International Law, with a specialization on: civil and human rights violations. My legal studies program matriculation, is this September, 2016.

I am hopeful, that scholarships will be available, however, just studying the law-the theory, could never be enough. I am applying for work, at Amnesty International, because I need practical application, of the legal skills, that I learn in the class. I have a number of skills, which are helpful, in the legal field, including, and not limited to:

  1. Investigative researching;
  2. Writing;
  3. Tutoring;
  4. Freelance reporting;
  5. Photography;
  6. Office running;
  7.  Film making and editing;
  8. Basic computer/printer/general electronics maintenance-software and hardware-updates, etc;
  9.  Grass roots marketing;
  10. Social networking on online social network websites;
  11. Information gathering-analysis, trading, sharing, editing, evaluation, comparison;
  12. Product testing-safety and use analysis;
  13. Computer hacking;
  14. Cyber security;
  15. XHTML/CSS and webpage validation;
  16. Commercial making;
  17. United States Master’s Degree-For Teaching At A University Level;
  18. Music making;
  19. Mass media communications;
  20. On site private investigations;
  21. Grass Roots Fundraising-events, grants, community outreach/donations and thrift stores;
  22. Basic document preservation and storage;
  23. Evidence and pertinent records collections;
  24. Meta data organization and file organization-computerized, and hard copy;
  25. Genealogy chronologies;
  26. Criminal background checks-investigative, some experience with languages other than English; etc. .

Due to the fact, that I was illegally “Blacklisted,” by the United States government, I have spent more time than most, focused on my education. My initial presumption, regarding my lack of employment, was that I was not qualified enough to work. I, therefore, spent a more time, studying and working hard-to learn more skills, that would make me more employable. Sometimes, when I could not find work, too, I would presume, the lack of available employment, was due to, my lack of experience.

I have spent a great deal of time, and energy, in the United States: studying, memorizing, applying what I have learned in the classroom, creating new opportunities for myself, and learning additional skills, and information, that are not necessarily, available in any educational program-anywhere. I was under the impression, that if I could make myself soo helpful, and invaluable, that I would finally be hired, and, that, I would be able to keep the position.

The more difficult information is to understand, or analyze, or to memorize, or to communicate, or to apply-then, that is the more interesting: information and task, that I apply myself to. I am employable. I am bright. I am a quick learner. I am smart as a whip. I love a challenge. I am an aficionado, of: new languages-oral, written, computer, code, extinct, and otherwise.

I have found, that not only my traditional university educational programs-also, long hours spent, memorizing such things, as the glossary, at the back of my:

  1. Chemistry and Biology Honors text books;
  2. Listening to music online in every language imaginable;
  3. Traveling overseas as far as possible to meet new and different people and cultures;
  4. Enjoying the dances songs and foods of other cultures;
  5. Being out spoken and gregarious/extroverted while out about town and socializing;
  6. Observing unfamiliar interactions;
  7. Remaining curious about other people and other circumstances;
  8. Going the extra mile to stick to my word, to really care instead of pretending like other people matter;
  9. Showing up to investigate problems myself-even when they are happening on the other side of the world;
  10. Keeping my promises;
  11. Practicing moral and ethical behaviors;
  12. Respecting myself, etc. .

Years of preparing myself for employment, in fun, creative, , interesting, non-traditional ways-have all lead me, to becoming an indispensable, and far more valuable employee, and, I understand, that employment itself, and a record of paychecks-that is important too, however, I am living in an extreme difficult and impossible situation in the United Stats rights now, where I am a political prison and hostage, and, I am also a long time torture victim. I end up making too much lemonade-it is a good think, that I am always: hungry!



My last/most recent paid position:

University of Florida Athletic Association (05/01/2008 – 07/01/2008) – Office Assistant

Gainesville, Florida   United States

Supervisor: Mrs. Swiderski  – 352-375-4683;  Contact: Yes


Salary: $6.75 per hour

Hours per week: 10

Duties: Basic secretarial duties, faxing, filing, printing, word processing, excel charts, data entry, driving (student transportation), all private and confidential materials.


Applying: Facebook Online Employee Application: Suitable/Challenging Position

Full-time, Starting: $ 170,000.00 per yr., plus benefits

The opportunity to continue to work, while I study, in both the U.S. and in the U.K., and with the opportunity to advance, in my employment position.



Law School Admittance/Scholarships:


Phoenix Law–Arizona, fall 2010

10,000.00 Scholarship


Barry Law, fall 2010

5000.00 Scholarship


Florida Coastal Law, fall 2010

5000.00 Scholarship


Herbert Lehman Undergraduate

Minority Scholarship 1994/1996-2000/2008

Legal Defense Fund

New York, NY


Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

Academic 2 year College

S.F.C.C., 2003-2004

Gainesville, FL


Recommended by Dean/F.S. College of Law

M.P.L.E. Pre-Law Undergraduate Scholarship, 1998

Tallahassee, FL

F.S.U. College of Law Scholarship

Minority Summer Law Program, summer 1998

Tallahassee, FL


F.S. College of Law Superlatives

Superlatives: “Best Legal Arguments: Written and Oral, etc.”

Minority Summer Law Program, summer 1998

Tallahassee, FL


W.E.B. Dubois (Minority) Honor Society

Academic Honors Society, 1997-1999


Tallahassee, FL


S.F.C.C. Dance Scholarship, summer 1994

Gainesville, FL


S.F.C.C. Minority Academic Scholarship, 1994

Gainesville, FL


Teaching Scholarship


  1. K. Yonge/U.F. Lab School

Gainesville, FL


Work Experience:


Office Assistant at University of Florida Athletic Association

March 2008 – July 2008 (5 months)


I worked with two disability specialists who provided academic and medical resources to students with disabilities. The work was strictly confidential. I compiled information related to the students’ disabilities. I re-organized files. I engaged in basic data entry: of grades, standardized test scores (SAT/ACT), and other pertinent information. I graded intelligence tests. I transported students to and from appointments with local psychologists for academic disability evaluations. I worked with excel and other word processing programs to draw up documents that were requested by my supervisor. I did a great deal of xeroxing documents and some faxing as well.


Office Assistant at Florida State University PIMS Program

1999 – 2000 (1 year)


I compiled slide shows, applied and received a grant for the after school tutorial premedical program at Florida State University, and functioned in the position of community outreach, as well  as assisting with an on campus minority premedical association (MAPS).


Research and Writing Experience:


Grant Proposals/Application: United States Government (A Community Health Care

Center $250,000.00, No Grant Provided) and A Non-For Profit Agency (Approximately $ 1000.00, Grant Provided);


Research Papers: Since 1994, (Examples of recent work are available upon request);


Legal Writing and Research: Minority Summer Law Program at Florida State University College of Law: I was granted several superlatives, for: best written legal argument, etc.;

Research Proposal: (Also available upon request.);


Strategic Management Plan: (Also available upon request.)


Thesis: A Comparative Analysis of the Digital Divide in the United States and that in Great


Britain (Credit for my thesis work is notated on my transcript, however, my thesis is not on file at Florida State University and has not been published.);


Blog Sites: WordPress account: http://bayoelizabethcary.wordpress.com/  (Others URL’s are available upon request.);


Publication of Web Pages to the Internet: I am familiar and proficient in both XHTML and CSS.


Admitted to the following Law Schools in the United States, fall 2012:


Maine School of Law (Decided Not to Attend)


New England School of Law/Boston


O.N.U. Law (First Choice for Fall 2012)

20,000.00 in scholarships

and invited to apply to the joint: L.L.M. International Governance Program


Admitted to the following Law Schools in the United Kingdom for 2012, L.L.B. Programmes, leading to a practicing Barristers License in International Law:




Buckingham University


Northumbria University (Online Programme–First Choice for Fall 2012, along with the O.N.U. J.D./L.L.M. Program–I still need to complete my application to the L.L.M. portion of the O.N.U. joint degree program.)


Work and Volunteer Experience and Actual Skills Gained:




I ran my own African dance troop/class, as a high school student (1993-1994).  We were paid, for most to perform.  Oft times, I featured my own line of fashion, 10 or so pieces, that were made out of African fabric, at the same time that we performed.  I designed and sewed, most of the African dance costumes, for the entire troop—myself, although, I did have some assistance.


In addition, I have done a small amount of grass roots marketing with: Teatro Del Pueblo in MN, as an AmeriCorps member (1995-1996).  I suggested questionnaires, in order to evaluate both: satisfaction, and to evaluate the quality of the services provided.  Since that time, I have taken two research classes (undergraduate/graduate), which have provided me with additional information and experiences, in regards to: clinical/on site research, data collection and evaluation, and the basics of statistics, and the nature of a “true experiment.”


I also have the ability to write grants.  When I worked as an undergraduate, at F.S.U., I wrote for a grant, which was given to: the F.S.U. Medical School (P.I.M.S. Program).  In addition, as part of my volunteer activity, as a pre-medical student in the Tallahassee, FL community, I helped to write the by-laws for, and to establish, a non-for-profit medical and education outreach program (1999).  I also designed the digital T-shirt logo, and the pamphlet, with the assistance of a friend of mine, who was an art major at F.S.U., and her mother–a professional graphic artist.





I have worked as an instructor, in three after school programs, in both: Florida and Georgia.  I was trained and certified, in early childhood education, while I was an undergraduate student at F.S.U., so that I could work in the pre-school, where my children were in attendance.  I have worked as: a daycare provider, a nanny, an assistant pre-school teacher, and a lead pre-school instructor.




When I was in high school, I was selected for an honor’s award, for the diligence with which, I applied myself, to improving my English writing skills.  As both: an English and Honor’s undergraduate student, I have engaged in a great deal of research and writing. I have experience with documenting in both: M.L.A. and A.P.A. format.  In addition, I wrote/completed a voluntary thesis for my Master’s Degree (August 7, 2010).


Community Organizations


I have volunteered off and on for many years–since I was in middle school (1988): March of Dimes, Children’s Home Society, AmeriCorps, Bond Community Health Center, Madison County Nursing Home, etc..




I have a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science.  I specialized in information science.  I am familiar with a: MAC/iMAC, but recently, I have only been working on: a laptop/notebook, or a desk top P.C. .  I utilize the most recent Microsoft O.S. and word processing programs available.  I know how to utilize movie software and sound mixing software, and excel charts, as well.


I am very familiar with the Internet.  I engaged in a great deal of Internet research, while I was preparing my voluntary thesis, and I took a class, which familiarized me, with some of the most popular social networking sites.  One of my favorites is: Facebook, but I have participated in others, such as well.


CPR/First Aid


I have been certified before (1997), in both.  I had to be certified in both: C.P.R. and First Aid, in order to qualify, for my early childhood education certificate.


Fundraising/Grant Writing


I wrote a grant, which was given to: the F.S.U. Medical School P.I.M.S. program, when I worked there.  The grant writing was part of the service that I provided, as a state employee, for the university.


Law/Pre-Legal Studies


I have just recently been accepted to law school, in both: the U.S. and the U.K. .  I may begin an online class through the U.K., in October of 2012.  In addition, I participated in a summer minority pre-legal studies program at the F.S. U. College of Law (1998).  The legal classes that were offered, were, Intro to: legal writing, legal research, case analysis, moot court, etc. .  I earned several superlatives for my participation.


I also worked as a legal secretary, for a brief period of time, for Mr. Mark Olive, Esq., while I was an undergraduate at F.S.U. (2001). In addition, I had the opportunity to study both: legal research and some legal policy, that which relates to information science, while I was studying for my Master’s Degree (2009). I may attend a U.S. law school in the fall of 2012.



Fine Arts/Crafts


I have been interested in art since elementary school.  I have participated in art competitions, and exhibits.  I won a prestigious art award, when I was in 5th grade, for an interpretation of the King Tut art exhibit on loan from Egypt.  I took many art classes in high school(1990-1994).


I had some independent experiences with graphic art in college.  I designed a: T-shirt logo and a brochure, for: a non-for-profit organization, that I was helping to establish, with the assistance of a college friend and her mother.  The T-shirts turned out well, and the logo was not difficult to design–from scratch.


I have been dancing since the age of two.  In high school, I was a paid performer, who both: taught/performed African dance.  The dance group engaged in one fund raiser, at a local black box theater.  I made all of the arrangements, and incorporated other professional performers in the Gainesville, FL community.  In addition, I engaged in, and I was paid for, my participation in: Community Theater, in Gainesville, FL.  I participated in several local T.V. interviews, in regards to both: the dance and community theater participation, as well.


Summer of 1994, I began college on a dance scholarship, at S.F.C.C.  Then, my first semester at a 4 year college, I studied mostly: dance and theater.  Later, just before graduating with my B.A. in English, I enrolled in a Drama/English course, taught by the U.F. English Department.


Youth Development


I was certified by the girls club of Gainesville, FL, to work as a baby sitter, when I was in middle school.  I have been working with youth in: after school programs, daycares, and pre-school programs, since 1993.  I was certified, in 1997, in Leon County, FL, to work as a certified daycare provider, with an early childhood certificate.





I taught academic materials in: after school programs and in daycares.  I took a multi-cultural undergraduate class, while I was a student at F.S.U., as well, which gave me some insight into the formal education system, for older students, in Florida.


Public Health


As an employee/volunteer, I have provided some basic community outreach services, such as: S.T.D. education, and other basic preventative health education, and I know how to take blood pressure with a pump cuff, but, I have not received any formal training.  I am comfortable with public speaking.  I would not mind providing educational information, in a formal/informal setting.  I am more than capable of doing the research, for such a task.  I have a very good memory, and I am capable extemporaneous speaker/educator–as well.




I have participated and led numerous clubs/organizations, since high school (1990-1994).  I established my own organization as well—The Rainbow Tribe (African Dance Group), when I was in high school (1993-1994).  In addition, I lead several dance groups, in both: high school, and during my first two, semesters of college (Summer 1994, and Fall term 1994).


Public Speaking


The majority of my public speaking experience, is through my experience with both: high school and Community Theater.  However, I was senior class President in high school, and I had to run for the office.  I also participated in moot court, during my minority summer of law school participation, on scholarship.  I was obligated to present, at the end of my undergraduate honor’s classes, to the entire class (2004), as well.




I worked for the medical school at F.S.U., when they were the P.I.M.S. program, which was a joint program with U.F. .  I volunteered at Bond Community Healthcare Center, and at: Tallahassee Memorial Hospital–residency program.  I volunteered at a nursing home, although sporadically, for several months as well.  In addition, during that time, I spent a great deal of time reading professional medical journals, such as: J.A.M.A., etc. .  I have recently begun to inquire into the process of applying to medical school in the U.K..


High School Educational Information

High School

  1. K. Yonge Research and Developmental School/U.F. (08/01/1990 – 06/01/1994)

Gainesville, Florida

United States

Degree: High School Diploma            –           Major: Gifted, A.P., Honors

GPA: 3.5-3.7 weighted


Description: Semi-private high school, which is owned and operated by the University of Florida.  I was moved to a private gifted class, when I was in 9th grade.  I was the only student in the class.  Later, I enrolled in other classes: a larger gifted class, advanced placement, and honor’s classes.  I was frequently a straight A student.  I received numerous awards for my academic achievements, particularly in chemistry, Russian, and English.


I graduated in June of 1994, with several scholarships to continue my studies.  I was able to accept two academic scholarships, upon graduating from high school: one scholarship was a teaching scholarship,  and the other scholarship, was a summer dance scholarship.  The other scholarships which were given to me, were from the various universities which accepted me, with the exception of: The Herbert Lehman, Legal Defense Fund, Undergraduate Scholarship.



University Education (Summer 1994-Summer 2010):



Master’s Degree (August 7, 2010)

Major: Library and Information Science, Accredited by: A.L.A.: G.P.A. : 4.0

Concentration: Information Science, Fall 2008 – summer 2010

Tallahassee, FL



Bachelor’s Degree (August 2008) G.P.A.: 3.10

Major: English Literature/Studies

Concentrations: English and Psychology, 2004 – 2008


Gainesville, FL


  1. F. C.C.

Associate of Arts Degree (April 2004) G.P.A.: 3.6

Major:  Honor’s/English Studies

Concentrations: English and Honors Program Honors Courses, 2000 – 2004

Gainesville, FL



Major: Pre-legal, Pre-medical, Chemistry, and English Studies, G.P.A.: 3.3-2.9

Concentrations: Science, Psychology, Business, English, 1997-2000

Tallahassee, FL


F.S.U. College of Law

Minority Summer Law Program

Concentrations: Introduction to: Legal Theory, Legal Document Analysis, Moot Court, Legal Writing, Legal Research, etc.,  and Superlatives Earned, Summer 1998

Tallahassee, FL


Keiser College/University

Concentration: Accounting I and II, 1996 – 1997 G.P.A.: 3.5

Tallahassee, FL



Major: Dance and Drama, G.P.A.:3.3

Concentrations: Dance and Drama, fall 1994

Agnes Scott College

Decatur, GA